Connection and Loading Problems and Game lag

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VintageAion, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. my fix was just a temp fix and have also got back to lag. How ever it is not as bad as before. Just a question vintage are you by any chance running wifi. I changed the channel on my host router and get awesome results. if in the us use 1 or 11 the defult is channel 6. But as i have been trying to say i think twc has us caped seems this is a twc user issue.
  2. I am using wifi now because I have to since the wireless router is installed on my ceiling and nothing can be plugged into it.

    My old provider, I had my own surfboard router/modem and I had my computer wired into the router physically.

    I can't configure anything on this router.

    The connection is not me. IT can't be since I can run any other site perfectly and I can play any other game I want without this kind of problem.
  3. if you know the brand of the wifi router they have a default username and pw and to log into it just have to have the ip addy and type it into browser persay its netgear router the ip would be and the username: admin password: password. But like i said it just works as a band-aid to the real problem. Which im thinking it has something to do with twc/comcast and DO servers.
  4. call your provider and tell em to fix your internet.
    this has nothing to do with game servers, its problem with your internet. i had problems once as you have on that video and it was because my internet has failed and did not work proper.
    also sometimes when i have torrent downloading something DO work like that with a lot of delays.
    protect wi-fi with pasword if it's not. maybe someone use your internet without you knowing it.
  5. Yes, but in order to get access to the router, you need to be physically connected. There are no physical connections to this router. Its all wireless. It is a special router that the company made specifically so no one will mess with its configurations.

    It can't be me since I tried two different internet providers, and two different routers/modems. I have played "Dozens" of games and this is the only game that has these kinds of issues.
  6. you can be connected wireless
    my router is a mile down the road at a friends house and i connect to it all the time. Just do a lil digging or give me your router specs and ill find it for you
  7. Maybe you wanna join me to play on us2? If yes, i will help you with npc and stuf.
    If you willing to join, then add me on skype: djubovs
    P.S. US2 also lag like hell.. More than us1.
  8. well i play on global europe 6 and server works fine all the time.
    when it don't work fine it's usually on my end and very rare DO fault. so all i can say from that video that it has nothing to do with server it self but with your connection.
    there were no major updates to game. i dont see why all the sudden game start causing problems for you.
    and btw just for the info. when my old router broke after lightning strike close to my house i got new router different one ADB something before had siemens, internet didn't work properly. i had similar problems like you do. something with profile change, but as i say i only got new router not new provider so they had to change from siemens settings to ADB and problem was solved.
  9. If you look close enough then youll see that 4 packets where sent and only 3 came back from the sever
    inorder to do this you must go to comandpromt in your computer not browser
    type in
    ping hope this helps
  10. [​IMG]

    Holy Macaroni Salad o_O
  11. -BlazeIce-

    -BlazeIce- User

    this is crazy, cant play like this guys fix it already.....
  12. Im not seeing mislocks first post but yes you are correct on the ping test to the actual server.
    start- all programs-accessories-command prompt.

    also on the right side bottom of your screen you will see your wifi bars right click click open network and sharing center. click manage wireless networks. click on your connection and select adapter properties then select configure then advanced scrool down and see if afterburner is enabled if not enable it. then your connection will reset.

    Wow now that 1 hell of a isp lol hmm is that cloud?
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  13. It is my internet. Even though it said it was good.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  14. I do agree but i dont think you are in terms allowed to use a vpn on dark orbit servers but i may be wrong. Maybe a mod can let us know.
  15. If not, then Ill take it off. But Ill have to stop playing since my connection won't let me play. So its a choice. I spent 800$ last mega and I want to play.
  16. lets hope you can then im on board with the vpn. good job at finding a fix two thumbs up
  17. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    VPNs are permitted, as long as it is not used to avoid a ban.

    Does the OP have any further questions or may we close?

    Best regards,
  18. That's awesome. Yay no more lag. I have one question.

    Do I have permission to make a VPN guide for those who have constant lag?
  19. This is something more than the moderator is letting on or knows. I use TS Im in NFG I encounter at least a hundred players in there MANY of the players are having these lag issues that started week and a half ago all at the same time on the same day. including me with no help from support. saying check your cash your spywhare antivirus msconfig performance information and tools for programs speed test clear global flash ect. If it happened to 1 person then that would be the proper solution but it happened to hundreds of players at the same time. please stop beating around the bush we need someone to take this seriously and realize that something occurred and it could be fixed if you trust your fan base when they tell you something happened. we didn't all go crazy at the same time. please help us. in my case i have spent at least 30k real money on this game since 2008. but if you cant fix it and i cant play then Im gonna prob play starcitizen or limit theory maybe elite dangerous or space spaceengineers. every second Im not playing this Im looking for a new game and if I find one I like Im getting in ts and taking my friends with me and yes they are wallet warrors to witch means less money for you. and so we are clear we spend thousands on this game.
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