connection issue

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by CyberspaceEngineerer, Mar 30, 2024.

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  1. hello i got a problem and it does not connect to the game after i press start!
    my user id is, 172123839
  2. You're not only, there is tons of connect problem, and loading last forever, and many other things which make game play impossible, and they named it DDOS attack. Mean time you could pop some corn, and wait,and wait. :)
  3. einstein58

    einstein58 User

    I have a similar problem and can no longer get the start button to go on. Everything else is there and works, but can not start the game. It has been like this for a long time. I have written support 4 times and they just keep saying to reload the game> It does not work. I am a level 22 and have over 4 trillion credits and over 54 million Uri. I have spent allot of moneyon this game, but all they seemed to have wanted was the $$$$$ with no help at all.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    hmmo_O i'm level 22 with 7 billion credits and only 150k uri, i have spent a fortune on this game, where the hell did you get 4 trillion credits and 54 million uri:rolleyes:
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