Contagion solace design

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by SkyHero-42, Dec 19, 2022.

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  1. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    Any advice please what's the contagion solace specialty as i would like to build it .. very interested

  2. Excessive

    Excessive User

    From Memory, It's primarily Green - It is only cosmetic.
  3. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    that could mean it has no abilities or skills.
    it is important to know exactly if any additionals the design actually represents.. thanks
  4. It has +10% shield and nano cluster reapair ability like normal Solace but the design doesnt have any extra abilities or boosts to it
  5. Excessive

    Excessive User

    It is a "Cosmetic" skin - It has no additional abilities
    It look pretty but does nothing else.
  6. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    thanks all for helping.

    last thing i would like to know how to obtain Goliath Surgeon design.
  7. It comes occasionally in shop, right now the only way to get it is to finish kuiper gate when there is galaxy gate special rewards weekend version 1 running. You can get Centaur, Peacemaker, Sovereign, Vanquisher, or Surgeon Goliath design but it isnt 100% chance to get any of these.
  8. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    Very valuable information's though for interesters
    These designs add big values to the game .. vary intuitive concepts really.
    Because i am EIC i should look for sovereign?, but no i still look for something stronger: like Goliath plus and dreaming about it ..
  9. I would say its not worth it to go for Surgeon anymore, I think Solace/spectrum would be the best ship before you can get goliath plus or other plus ship
  10. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    ok now very clear.. but tell please why the spectrum not the diminisher ?
    also, what's a good strategy to obtain a goliath-plus ? thanks