Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ☆•MΣŊȚΛζ-ÇÏŘÇЦŞ•☆, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. ok so i have an idea for a credit gate for all players to purchase using credits
    it will be aim at lower and weaker players as it will help them progress


    wave1: 15 streuners
    20 lordakia
    10 mordon

    wave2: 25 lordakia
    20 saimon
    15 mordon

    wave3: 25 saimon
    20 mordon
    20 lordakia

    waves4: 30 mordon
    25 saimon
    25 mordon

    wave6: 25 mordon
    15 devorlarium
    20 saimon

    waves7: 10 boss mordon
    2 boss devorlarium
    1 boss sibelon

    wave8: 4 boss devorlarium
    25 boss lordakia
    10 boss mordon

    20 boss mordon
    30 lordakia
    2 boss sibelon

    4 boss devorlarium
    30 saimon
    10 kristilin

    3 boss sibelon
    15 boss mordon
    2 kristillon

    at the end and achieveing success withing the gate the player will be rewarded with the following

    a new title: PROTEUS KING and a key instead of a ring, the key wil disapeer once uridium gates are done.

    a 25% a receiving a pet10

    exp: 1.300.000
    hon: 50.000
    uri: 2000

    each gate spin will cost 25.000 credits

    this may give incentive to credit players to rejoin the game or even exsisting player rejoining,
    the gate will have 35 peices
  2. Hi,

    it's not a bad idea but boss sibelon are too hard for noobs who would do this gate.
    wave 10 is easier than 9.
    Even a full lf2 full Iris can't kill a boss sibelon alone.
    change some waves and it will be perfect.
  3. Ridiculously cheap way to gain P.E.T 10

    25% a receiving it's way too easy.
    Newbies would have to drive this gate only up to 4 times to get it or perhaps two more times if bad luck ... precentage is way too high . o_O

    I suggest 2,5% - 5% chance to receive P.E.T 10, because it's elite stuff, and therefore shouldn't be easy to get for "free".


    Yes it's not bad idea, but any boss alien is easy even with Piranha, and with few LF2 + semi good shields, if you know how to roll properly and be patient + little focusing.

    I know, because i have done it.

    Yes, it's risky, but it can be done.

    Therefore i think, that gate is just fine for newbies.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
    Tarron likes this.
  4. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

  5. I like this Idea but there is a HUGE hiccup that needs to be worked around...what to give for the other 87% of the spins that don't yield a part.

    With GG and uri spins, you are gaining ammo, log disks, xeno, rep creds (for fast full reps, we all need those still), mines for smb and ish, and so how do you get around giving all that stuff away for creds?

    UFE with billions of creds could use this for all the above items.

    The credit spinner would have to be adjusted, maybe give nothing 87% of the time....and give the credit gate part 13% like normal gates.

    Good idea, but needs tweaking so as not to be exploitable by the UFE's.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  6. I am just interjecting here. I'll bet you get credit items for the credit GG spins...whatever they may be.

    I have sort of like this idea of a credit gate.
  7. +10 from me mate ! well done
  8. ramnik

    ramnik User

    x1 ammo :p credit rockets^^ Eco's things like that tbh for the gg spins lmao. maybe add a chance to get a lf2 while spinning too instead of log disks :p
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  9. Yeah I suppose that makes sense, roll out the X1 and r310's :)....maybe even a couple plt2026's n ecos :D
  10. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    25000 credits per spin is to expenxive, they better buy lf2, ao3 and cpu's to get stronger in order to do LAMBDA (which is in my opion the easiest).
  11. 25000 credits is 30 gg spins every 6 hours (if u consider skylab production)
    its fair good i think 120 gg spins MAX every 1 day
  13. I say no to the pet 10, it's called earn it, it makes a major difference in game, so get it yourself. The gate, for something small players can do, went over the top with boss sibs, we all know they will complain it's too hard. I find it a waste of credits to spin for a gate in the first place. I am willing to bet, over 5mil credits will still be needed to spin this game with DO odds, and the noobs say in chat enough "i can't even get 1mil how do you have 500mil?"
  14. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    Agree, better give them some kind of a solid base, and what about dying? If they die 3 times they will probably say ''they wasted all their credits'' and ''that this a stupid game'' or something like that and maybey quit. Besides, 2000 uridium is not enough, you can easly get that by boxing, even as a beginner
  15. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    Naah, the PET isn't really gonna help them anyway, they need to complete big mission before it can carry some good equipment and it is verry expensive, even after buying so indeed give them chance to lf3 or something like that.

    Excuse me for dubbelposting, i didn't know how to quote two people at the same time
  16. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    i like the idea and the line up of aliens considering they get harder as you go. i agree adding the odds of a lf2 or lf3 for completion would be great and maybe even CBS modules or a 1 hour booster of some type as well. the pet is to much to give away. i think 25,000 per spin is too cheap 100k would be better as this can be achieved with a bit of work. lets not just give the gate away.

    would this gate be for every one or just newbies up to a certain level?
  17. they can find great help in boxing mate = A LOT OF URI
    exact opposite !! they need A LOT of good equipment before try to get big missions
  18. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    You need to complete mission before you can BUY extra slots for your pet, this will simply cost to much, they need a solid base first...
  19. only solid base here around (expect their wallet) is boxing mate
    u start boxing
    u start updating skylab
    u get items from auction
    u become full elite from auction
    same time by boxing u start become ufe (pet will help A LOT to this procedure)

    i have done it (not only me) and i know that is the fastest way without wallet to become ufe here

    if u noticed i didnt mention (not even once) the word missions - u get me ? ;)
  20. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    The pet will help a lot, but not right away, in my opinion it has no big value if you have no good base.
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