- credits

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wulloo, May 25, 2014.

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  1. wulloo

    wulloo User

    Help! the auction has been lagging a bit and when i went to bid on a iris drone the auction had an error and when i refreshed the page i noticed that my bid wasnt registered and that my credits had vanished so then i tryed bidding on it again to see if it still worked but then i ended up bidding twice so now ive went from 110m to -200m ive even got a screen shot

    tag: Wulloo♥HATERS
    server: global europe 1
    ID: 36952382
    Last edited: May 25, 2014

    ASTRAEA User

    Unfortunately auction issues at this time, we are aware of and you will need to contact support with the following information:

    Ship name:
    User ID
    Registered email address
    and a copy of the transaction along with a description of the issue.

    I am sorry that I could not assist you further on this matter.
    Please have a nice day


    closed as referred to support.
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