
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fricis07, May 27, 2014.

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  1. fricis07

    fricis07 User

    Why i have minus credits?
    I have -27285587 credits when i sold resources and killing enemies i have -26987452.
    Have can that be possible?
  2. What did you do before? Look on Uridium then go to Balance and looking at this site could help you.

    If you can't find anything, you should go to support.

    But I think you have given your bids about your value.
  3. fricis07

    fricis07 User

    If i have bided and i have outbided i should need my credits back

    ASTRAEA User

    If you are currently having a credits refund issue, what you need to do is contact support and provide the following information:

    Ship name
    User ID
    Registered email address

    Caopy of the transaction logs where the deductions were made... including times and dates.

    this should help support to investigate the matter more effectively.
    Have a nice day