CTB Event Listing

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by whoeva, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. whoeva

    whoeva User

    I believe this has been mentioned ealier, also that it was fixed but it is still a problem.

    3 hours of Capture The Beacon shows in events on home page as 3 events lasting 1 hour each.

    This prevents the events after from being shown reducing the ability to implement planning.

    Please correct this to enable improved planning... you know, that thing where you make informed decisions about what actions to take in the future ;)
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello whoeva

    I have passed this on for consideration. In the case you have cited, a simple merging would have solved the issue, but the whole area could also use some expansion (scrolling events? tabs? manual scroll bar? - anything would probably assist).

    Do you have further questions?
  3. whoeva

    whoeva User

    After actually playing ctb properly for the first time ever I realised the reason it shows as 3 1-hour event is because it is indeed 3 games each lasting for an hour. I therefore understand now why it shows as 3 events but it still causes this problem.

    Scrolling events might just lag back page but a manual scroll bar so we can see a weeks worth of events would be good :)

    I might even suggest to leave it how it is but have an event calendar where we could see this weeks and next weeks events.

    Anyway, thank you for passing along my comments regarding this. No more questions.
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