Cubikon Graveyard

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ictvaper, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. ictvaper

    ictvaper User

    Ok, I have heard this exists. How does one reach this map?
  2. I have been told it was removed. But, one way if it still exists, is constantly jumping through the wormhole in 4-5, or constantly using normal jump cpus to your home map until it lands you there. Only thing you can do there is collect boxes that have 1k x4, unless your full ammo. And some have managed to get a cube or 2, but its loaded with prots. and you take a lot of dmg.
  3. Adding on to what DreamDemon said, the chances of getting there are miniscule. An average of 10 players go there each day.
  4. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ictvaper

    Thankyou for your answers
    º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º and ~~Arch^Angel~~.

    I would say that the above is all correct, however I am not positive about the contents of any bonus boxes in the map. They did previously contain UCB-100 ammunition, but I am not certain if that is still the case.
    I can confirm that the only way to reach the map itself is via the wormhole in map 4-5 (you will see it quite clearly if you have backgrounds on), or by use of the regular Jump CPUs (not the Advanced version).

    And yes, the chances are VERY slim to get in, and you WILL die horribly. :)

    Do you have further questions?
    Ѯ☠۩☠Ѯ likes this.
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    As far as I know the prots now do crazy amounts of damage and have slow down capability, so I don't think it is possible to do cubes in the graveyard any more, as you die to quick.:(
  6. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I'll confirm this. One of my admin colleagues jumped my admin ship in there for a "joke" o_O and I died VERY quickly (My admin ship is UFE in every aspect). The prots in there have the same ability as the Saboteur pirate ship and they will make you think your ship is flying backwards it will go so slow
    :eek:. I'll add that you will only be able to pick boxes if you have the available capacity.

    Does the Original Poster have any further questions on this subject?
  7. ictvaper

    ictvaper User

    Thank you all for your answers. If anybody else has anything to add, I will most certainly be interested in reading it.
  8. Hey where is the Jump portal on 4-5 i tried Rapidly hitting "J" on 4-5 centre but i think wormhole removed from there? or you help me tell me the location of?
  9. Dude even I don't know, I and many others on GA1 can't find it, it isn't there anymore for us.
  10. Wormhole is still around, it's location is just changed. It's a bit closer to MMO pirate gate now.
  11. Yeah someone said look using the mini map, but until they learn how to fix lag, im not turning the backgrounds on in one of the big maps where flash can crash due to all the graphics.
  12. ..Studo..

    ..Studo.. User

    [​IMG] HEEEYYY ALLLLL!!!!! LISTEN MEEEE !!! Darkorbit is liar i am jumped from 2-5 to the cubikon graveyard!!! i am been at port on 2-5 map and i am just used Jump Cpu 2 to jump to home map x-1 for me it is 2-1 and i am jumed into CubikonGraveyard....there was UberProtegits and cubikons and boxes of 1000 ucb ammo... sory for my bad english but darkorbit is dont need to be on 4-4 map....

    I am BloodyHunter from Server GB1 :D
    Ѯ☠۩☠Ѯ likes this.
  13. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Nobody said you needed to be on the 4-4 map. You need to be on the 4-5 map OR use a normal (credit or Uri) jump chip from ANY other map. It does not work with the Advance jump chip.

    Dont call people liars if you cannot even get your own facts straight as it is taken as an insult and that will get you banned from the forum in the same way that you will get banned from chat.
    I am going to close this now as it is general issues (questions) and not general discussions. And the Original Poster appears to be happy with the answers given.

    Have a good day and enjoy the game.
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