Cubikon update - No more leechers!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by °°°)))Basch(((°°°, May 30, 2014.

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  1. i wouldn't say that. think of the language barriers people have -- they don't know what leaching is anymore than people like myself knew not to pick up the blue boxes that were not free. Because of that I started with 3.8 billion negative honor. leaching is the same thing. they don't realize it's bad.

    and as for your comment about flaming -- don't worry about that lol. that's the purpose of forums. You can say what you want without any real consequences. the are people that will always criticize you if you have a good idea.
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Instead of removing the shared reward part of cubes, just make it so that the rewards are proportional to amount of damage inflicted, as it has been suggested before.
    Tarron likes this.
  3. The rewards are balanced and leeching isn't bad, people just make it out to be because they want to solo a shared reward NPC, it's a multi-player game, it's going to happen lol.
  4. IF sharing a cube is bad, then it should give you negattive honor right? It has been like this since the beggining of cubikons. It has to be a shared npc, as the ice meteoroids are, as the UBK is, as the hitac and minions are, and they pay you what you hit, I dont see the big deal. If you guys want npc´s just for yourself and not sharing them with no one, even knowing that is the purpose, to share, then you guys should go and kill NPC´s that give single rewards and not shared, that way you assure yourselves that you get your reward intact, even though that´s so SELFISH.
  5. I think cubes should stay shared rewards but i need to set a lot of people straight on this subject.

    People nicking rewards from a cube when it's nearly dead is very annoying. I personally spend a lot of time in x-6 maps so when people ask to join me i usually say yes. The problem comes in when you have people that fly up and without any warning or invitation shoot the cube regardless of its hp. In the oldschool days before anyone could solo a cube with x1, we had an unspoken rule that you weren't to shoot a cube if it was more than halfway done.

    The damage to rewards ratio for cubes is completely screwed and anyone that's ever had someone jump in at the end of a cube knows that all too well. Countless times i've had a cube down to 5% or so hp and some random person hitting 3k comes in for a few seconds and manages to get 100-300 uri (i hit 11k x1 and the thing was 95% dead so 100+ uri definitely isn't proportionate to 5%).

    Before anyone calls me greedy or anything of the sort, i do tell people when i'd rather be left to cube alone and whenever i see a large group of people doing cubes while i'm in that mood, i either cube in an enemy map or do a few quests. When theres a small enough number of other players in the map for them to have their free cubes and me to have my solo cubes and random people shoot 5% and get high rewards, it's a problem. Yeah, i do get pretty heated when i've said i'm doing a solo cube, given several warnings, and flown away when they start shooting at 25% hp. Who wouldn't after you've put all that work into something?

    Don't blame people for wanting a solo cube here and there. Blame bigpoint for making this game so expensive. And instead of bashing solo cubers, try to see it from their point of view. All most of us really want is for people to have the decency not to ignore reasonable requests
  6. Meh, Keep it shared, Make it solo, idc, you shoot my friend's cube he/she's trying to solo, I'm coming after you
  7. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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