
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. I remember that one day when you kill Cubikon immediatly come new Cubikon. This was a but this is good update cubikon like that, than you will have all time 4 cubikon on map or make event like that.

    Event will be: this day, whole day you will have Cubikon all time on the, put this event one time per week or per month and player will earn something and they will like this event more than crazy cubikon because when is crazy cubikon ppl kill cubikon so fast and than you can't do this event so well so this with cubikon all time on the map is great idea, doesn't ?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They will only like this event more than crazy cubes if they have a ship which can solo cubes.

    I too remember when cubes has an immediate respawn for a day by accident and it was bad; you couldn't do cubes forever because after 2 or 3 cubes there would be too many prots to solo them and you would have to go to port and wait for all the prots to go away.

    I think crazy cubes is a much better event, for everyone since it doesn't just limit people to being able to solo cubes confidently, all they need is kamikaze and premium.
  3. i think that bug would work better then the old one cubes respawn faster and old prots stay and the way it works without the mass amounts of prots u should get about the same amount of uri without people crying who popped the cube i think there should put it on 1 more time as an events to see people feedback
  4. yes problem on crazy cubikon is often because come some "crazy" guy i can't found other name for him who just fly around and kill cubikon with x4 or group of ppl, on ge5 is impossible use just kamikaze and enjoy in uridium
  5. burkey

    burkey User

    I like the idea of always having at least 1 cube on map, it gets boring and slow following the four "corners" of the x-6 map waiting for another to come alive.

    And maybe the prots should all burst when the next cubicon comes on the map if the other three really are killed that quickly...?