Custom Paint Job

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sparta[Λ], Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    This has probably been asked for before but I haven't found it in these new forums so here it goes.

    When are we going to get to pain our own ships?!
    It could be a design purchase, say 400,000 uridium. You get to paint it in the hangar and it will provide NO bonuses.

    If it meant I could paint my Spearhead into a hamster, I would pay 400k uri the day it came out!
    ANgry.mN likes this.

    VESPID User

    I love it!!!
    The price is a little steep tho.
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Looks interesting. Wonder how bp will do it though. they're already slacking with regards to removing autos and lag..
    But it would look cool :)
    Agree with vespid. 400,000 urid... a bit too much.
  4. not 400k uri - too steep :) Nice idea though +1 from me :p