Dark Orbit Has Changed :(

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by APOLLO[SKE★], Dec 17, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Yeah i clear cache, use my system mechanics which reduces lag through your computer. And i play a downloaded game that runs off a another download, and there is rarely lag on there, 20x the graphics and more, yet rarely have lag, and before you select your server, it tells you if it is laggy or good to go. At least some can admit their faults.
  2. Is there a link to the old server of dark orbit , made me very curios to try it
  3. Yeah... I recently posted my thoughts on modern DO here, https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/i-am-300-done-with-this.10615/, but a mod closed replies almost the second I posted it, because "it was a rant." I then posted another thread mentioning that the reason I posted the other one in the first place was because I wanted people to read what I had to say, and that anyone who wanted to reply to my thread could just post on that one, and if the secondary thread got replies closed they could throw it some likes. But I kid you not, the secondary thread is entirely gone. I know I posted it because people replied to it, but it's just gone, and I have a pretty good guess as to what happened to it.

    Anyway, I'm not playing DO anymore, I'm just lingering around forum for a little while longer. I'm gonna come back to this game 5 years from now and see it tatters, assuming it keeps on the path it's going. Anyway, I apologize for sort of advertising, but if you'd throw it a like if you agree, that'd be dandy.

    BTW, how much you wanna bet this reply's gonna get removed?