DarkerOrbit Reloaded.. Good, so Where is the Super-Uber Mega x4 Happy Hour

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΜΞĠΛ♠ĦÙЯ╫ʐ, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. anytime I fall under 100 k.. I start panic-king :mad:

    Why BigPoint only has a x3 mega once a Week is Beyond my Comprehension, I get Paid on Friday.

    My Credit card is Burning a WormHole, in 4-5, before Sunday.. and Whats with the x-3 Mega anyway :confused: It should be FULL Time..

    Its Time to Up the ANNI, I suggest a New " Super MEGA x-4" .. should be Random event..

    :D just imagine all the Little children pestering their Parents.. " Daddy DO-n't be a TightWad.. I need URI.. today.. they are Having a x-3 Uri special.. Right Now ".

    Yes, I am Available for other, marketing Advice..

    West Coast Server MMO Rocks. Ak-AK ak Ak :rolleyes:

    SS_HELIOS User

    I agree 200,000,000,000%
  3. If this idea is beneficial both for us and BP, then why the hell not?
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I like and don't like this idea. More mega happy hour's (or ultra mega happy hours) will make UFE's even stronger by buying more uri. I like it because if they were to add a 4x happy hour, I would consider buying it. I feel like if they were to add more MHHs, they should actually be random. Everyone knows that they happen on sundays at 7, no surprise. But these should happen on like, a Tuesday at 11pm server time.
  5. Love this idea!!

    SS_HELIOS User

    My thoughts on times should be completely random twice a month no matter what. The random hours should be between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. server time on the weekends or like 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays because it's not fair for those of us who have work and or school everyday. They should also bring these out on ever major holiday at 7 p.m. across the board. That way at some point everyone can take advantage of it. Considering UFEs already spend enough for what seems like two weeks worth of ammo it wont make a difference for them except they might not have to spend so much to make it as long.


    Cool idea .. but why would they need to ?
    The people that regulary top up will still top up no matter what.

    Half of this game is the Addiction .. if you dont think it is .. your in denial :)
  8. If they did this they would have to change the max amount you allowed to buy per day to make it worth it for D.O.
  9. Great.. so We get the JUICES flowing.. We can simply Request a Program to be Written for UFEs.. lol.. they and ME are gonna HATE this. ONE..

    but here goes,

    BigPoint can Change to Odds of getting equipment, Lf-4, yes we earned em the Hard way, but what fun will it be If only those that Spend money have all the FUN.

    UFE should ONLY be able to attack in the Actual Battle maps, such as 4-x and Enemy Home maps.. x-8 Use of Whites and RSB on Lower Maps can have a Reduced effect.

    as a test bed,

    try doing SpaceBall, Capture the Beacon and Sector Control, without the Boosters effect there within. Creating an Equality Game for ALL. max is X-3 and SAB.. then see the FUN Begin.. yeah Emps. SmartBombs will do Mega Damage so will Pet Kami.. but they Could even Trim Their FAT too..
    Just some Ideas..

    But a Word of Caution, many us Us, that Lower Level Players Wish So Bad to Get Back.. Strive to DO.. Just That.. Catch us with one Config down, Lag or Over Powered, Sick or whatever.. They Feel Good to Get a UBer Kill.

    The Game of World of WARCraft, used to have a Highly Dedicated Group called
    " TWINKS " they did all the Instances, Crunched the numbers and Tooled their Character into " Lower Level BATTLE GROUND Champions", the newer players and as fame invited Children and others, these complained so much that the Decision made by the Game Developers, The " TWINKS " Got NERFed and Ruined the FUN for many.

    Fact of Physics .. Every Action has a Complete and Opposite REACTION..

    What if We Quit.. because We Worked really hard to get here..

    and Old Timer "Bennie the Franklin".. aka " Mr.Spark-KEY "

    " You can Please SOME of the People ALL the time, and ALL of the People Some of the Time, But you CAN'T please ALL the People ALL the time. "

    I thought a UBer Mega Happy Hour, would Give everyone a Chance to Get the MegaHappy Hour ALL the TIME.. and Uber FE dont Buy much Ammo.. We Spin for Gates .. Where the HELL are my Whites..!!

    Executive NumbSkull,
    [Ή€ĿĿ] This is ΉΞĿĿs Elite Force,
    MMO West Coast Server

    I hope our ClanLeader DOes'nt See This, I know he will put me in the Freezer..
  10. If it's completely random and no one will ever know when then sure i like it... *stocks up on $20 UGCs*
  11. Completely RAMDOM.. and Extremely Short.. 15 min window.. will keep Guys Playing for Longer Hours..

    but OUCH..

    I get HURT enough now after the Regular X-3 Happy Hour..
  12. not random so i can plan ahead and give BP all my money, plz take it all
  13. Where's that new Auction? Hmm lol? :p. When a Mega isn't random then everyone spends money at the same time which might mean more profit but it's a game killer when every hunt is on the maps at the same time with all they're goodies, make them random and have x4's :D.
  14. 8:00 on weekends too early ...for some players, and some players have things to do in the mornings...they should make it like anywhere from 1 - 10 pm server time.

    How can a UFE get any stronger by buying more uridium, when they've a already got everything to get on the game? The only advantage they would get is if they're rank chasers...which doesn't really make a pilot stronger.

    You noob, thought you ain't gonna buy more Uridium? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, plus one from me :)
  15. plaku

    plaku User

    they should definetely put an x4hh event for uri, random so people will still use mhh , i dont care if the ufe will buy more uri and get more ammo they already have everything and wont get anystronger compared to a simple guy.
    lets compare it in abstract terms we can say infinite + x = infinite (infinite is the ufe) so me compared to that will be X+ x = 2x so i will be more stronger compared to the ufe simple mathematics ;)
  16. Yeah, Plus we need to see more 50% off MHH deals.So people can buy loads & loads.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    If a player had more opportunities to purchase uridium, they'd never run out of fighting essentials and would hutn 24/7, although that probably already happens, it would probably be worse and more wide spread if happy hours and other pertaining events occurred more often, not good, where's that new auction we've been waiting for? Lol.
  18. Well here is what the Super RankerChasers DO.. they all may not be at Solid Level 16 on all Items..

    They Buy Boosters During a MEGA and then Hit the "Subscription" BUTTON.. so when their Double Shared Booster Seat Deflates .. it get an Insta REP.. or Repleted.. and They keep on Hunting..

    Ive lost 4 rank positions in the Last month, but Im not worried some One will get Caught.. if not I think I will just Rename my Screen Name to "LEAD-Pants"..
  19. Thanks MegaHurtz,
    Ive been following you, waiting for the time where your Head would get to big for that Fishbowl, and you would Drop a Secret for Us.

  20. This idea is alright, but does the mighty Bermuda approve of this???
    Deidara_artist likes this.