Darkorbit 2

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™, Sep 23, 2023.

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  1. The current state of the game isn't that appealing, bots in maps as usual and no new updates. Why not focus on bringing us Darkorbit 2 which is compatible with Android and Ios? Same concept as Darkorbit but a fresh engine new scripts and better security to stop people from botting and using third party software. It's forever the same when ever I log in, x-6 maps are forever riddled with botters so cubes are out of the question (Imagine no botters and hours of cubes to oneself, would be nice huh) Pirate maps are the same with there being no actual living players present. There are no CM anymore neither well at least not as active as they used to be, even REDACTED has active CM's who actively engage with their community.

    I miss Darkorbit 2011!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 17, 2024
  2. I would say "Shut up and take my money" if they could make this happen.
    [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™ likes this.
  3. -(king)-

    -(king)- User

    i dont think that devs care enymore about this game they just looking at it on time to time to see if it runs i think sad. The game is so dead that i only see 2-3 real players on Eurorpe 2 imagine the good years bro so meny players on evry portal map :(