DarkOrbit Beta Client Survey

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Oddessey, Dec 4, 2020.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Today, we come to you with a special request. These past months, we’ve implemented a lot of important changes to DarkOrbit, starting with the new client. We’ve been together a long time, and we want to make sure that DarkOrbit stays the game you love. We’d like you to take part in this survey and give us your honest feedback.

    Filling in this survey will take approximately 4 minutes. All data collected in this survey will be treated with the greatest care and responsibility. All responses are anonymous. For details, check our Data Privacy Policy.


    Thank you very much in advance, your DarkOrbit Team.
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