[ĐBŠ] Die Brüder und Schwestern East 3 Server

Discussion in 'Clans' started by KARMA[IND], Aug 17, 2018.

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    KARMA[IND] User

    [ĐBŠ] Die Brüder und Schwestern
    East 3 Server
    We are a new clan but not new to game. Ive personally been playing since 2011.
    Most co leaders are around that time frame and know the game just as well as I.
    Leadership consists of a Clan leader and (TBD) Co Leaders, currently 1 co-leader
    at this time.Decisions will be discussed by the entire clan.
    We are an active clan, working closely with each other
    to complete missions,hades gates,and to help build up to be the best.
    We are a VRU clan but accept all. We respect alliances that we
    have. We will have clan hunts later on.
    We wish to promote fun with fellowship
    and look forward to your membership.
    olleH likes this.