Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ΣVÏŁ_ŠİŦĤ, Apr 26, 2024.

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  1. We are getting hit hard again getting kicked off the game page and it's getting worse with every passing hour.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    I think GB just been hit, game crashed mid map, now can't get back in map!
  3. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    got problems logging in establishing connection, figures i got the ascend boosters it started yesterday afternoon for me. its kinda weird that i lost alot of ranking spots if no one can play lol
    spaceghost2 likes this.
  4. typical for the game to have problems for real players not the botters who can gain rank daily when real players are being ignored by the devs because we are the ones having to deal with these cheaters
  5. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    it's beyond a joke!
  6. Hmm they are making a joke out of this game or a game out of this joke...cannot log in US east
    ☺chris☻[CHG] and jayherbo like this.
  7. figures gate weekend and real players cant log in so the botters can achieve higher ranks as real players leave by the droves WICKED WANDA im getting tired of the devs whitewashing the problems in game then taking it out on the real players of the game by allowing the bots to keep going
    ~Peaches~ and PĂĽÀĐÌŅ like this.
  8. always seems art imitates life...those who follow the rules suffer while those who flaunt the rules get off with rewards...go figure
    EmperorOfTheOrbit and jayherbo like this.
  9. lol i cant login on pve server
    jayherbo likes this.
  10. April 27, 2024: 8:51-8:58AM (EST)
    USA (east coast), Global America 2, Global America 3 - Unable to have the client screen come up (backpage is okay).
    Global (PVE), Great Britain 2, Global America (no #) - able to log into and have client screen load.

    --- By 9:01AM Global America 2 was responding with a client screen.

    --- by 10:30 AM USA (East Coast) and Global America 3 were also able to be logged into and have client screens load.

    Must be just one of those days.

    Update: April 28, 9:00AM (EST)

    USA (East Coast) - Global America - Was able to login,
    server seemed to be playable.

    USA (East Coast) - Global America 2, Global America 3, US East 1;
    - Global (PVE);
    - Great Britain 2;
    - Client screen not loading

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
    spaceghost2 likes this.
  11. another gg weekend shot to heck
    -Bio_Turtle²- likes this.
  12. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Yet again they'll be giving out more compensation as i'm not buying Banking Doublers for a game that's sporadical! So now I'm left thinking should i ever again buy anything this game has to offer especially when events are on! NOTICE how there is NEVER any problem when they take your CASH!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    WRINKLEFREE and PĂĽÀĐÌŅ like this.
  13. ok now this is becomming a joke didnt they just (fix) the game seems like they broke it
    jayherbo likes this.
  14. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    was on 3-3 jumped to 3-2 and game locked up in the jump. logged out and can not get back to game page. us server 8:56 am #95190032 Star*Fire. Have to say it was about the same time frame as the first time you ran this easter event when it the same thing.
    jayherbo likes this.
  15. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    seems to me the eastee event they re ran has the bug. just about the same time into the event it crash the first time. The dude who runs the server out of his garage isn't all that dependable. Let alone a tech guy. lol
    jayherbo likes this.
  16. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Yes they did say "fixed", fixed what exactly?
  17. Maybe just pointing out an obvious route: Block ranges of ip addresses. Specifically block the cool apps ips and the blocks associated with them. Your ISP or WAN provider (the people who host Bigpoint) can block countries and ip ranges.

    Yes there are vpns and ways to get around but they should not be worried as the game app should have an outgoing ip that should match the country server. Sorry but they ban people for speaking the wrong language very well in chat. Just make the hard choice to block the bad actors.
    jayherbo likes this.
  18. Stuck in Lambda now. Lagged out and cant log in.
    jayherbo likes this.
  19. Try clear cache and browser history
    jayherbo likes this.
  20. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Seems we can't login to a ship that's at any home base to warp to a ship that's stuck in a map with Eggs you can't access! seriously? BP getting slapped by some scumbag that makes bots! lmao
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