Dec.18 UNITY update fails

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ]Coldheart[, Dec 18, 2024.

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  1. Although the other servers are working, when I try to access the UNITY server it shows an update is available, but, just as the update is about to start, it drops the entire connection to the UNITY server.
    Several cache clears have been done as well as full restarts of laptop and router. Connection issue remains.

    ( was this part of the work being done on some servers?)
  2. Okay, this can close now.

    The download was performed once more and this time it finished and I was able to get it running.

    It is currently version 1.0.16 (I guess I may have missed one or two downloads as I was running 1.0.8 )
  3. Where did you get the client from? Mine is setting off my protection that I grabbed from the link
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I tried a few times but with same issue, haven't tried again. if its that messed up on startup, i'll pass.
  5. skubo

    skubo User

    does it make icon or does i need to extract each time and start from folder
    the last time i got a message when i tried to start ,blocked...false positive...long ac number
    if i clicked on the right start file?

    can the game people post something of what the install should look like if goes right.
  6. had a small problem but after re loading the new client it seemed to work ok
  7. Mine did as well.... just said to heck with it this time and loaded it: from the site that the updte is linked to.
  8. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i tried again but get the same issue download doesn't take.