Decrease the amount of Abide & Steadfast & Other Antibot measures

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by VortexOfError, May 3, 2023.

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  1. If all the 3rd party program / client, autolock, train etc. users are going to get banned in the near future, I feel like it's neccessary to scale down some of the ''Antibot measures'' in the game which've been added recently.

    1. Remove the Abide & Steadfast's completely (useless npc's just to mess with botters), or remove their amount / damage or spawnrate and buff the rewards.

    2. Antibot circle hopefully will be no more needed either, to say the least it should not come during any PVP moments.

    3. Recaptcha's in Auction, Dispatch etc. should also be removed / made less frequent since it's impossible to bid more than 5-6 items in 1-2 minutes now without the recaptcha appearing.
    P.S. the Recaptcha in Auction is bugged atleast on DarkOrbit Client, the ''Slow down pilot!'' message pops up, however the recaptcha box itself doesn't even appear.

    Hopefully someone from the developer team can take these measures into consideration when it comes to the future of the game this year.

    So far the banwaves have been good, however inaccurate at some points
    (Some ships who are legit, got banned, and vice versa, bots who've been farming Hades since 2019 are still at the top with 60billion honor, all they do is bot Hades & Eternal GG)

    Best Regards!
    Grandpa_II and .-señor_dark11-. like this.