Delete my thread ??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ρļ€*İŋ*Ŧħ€*§ķ¥, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. I had a question for all the new "players" *cough* in 5-3. and my thread was deleted.

    The SPECIFIC question was : Why after 2 years of the pali field being open, is there a HUGE influx of new players who ALL or MOST don't get how the pet works in there.

    IT souns like a bunch of noobs who all *bought* a service that went up this week, and were oversold in the advertising as to what they would get from it.
    I could comment on their flying habbits, but why bother, you wont do anything, other than delete this thread.
  2. Hello Ρļ€*İŋ*Ŧħ€*§ķ¥

    The recent thread related to 5-3 palladium collection is usual thread created by player's who are new to palladium fields and who needed some advice on how to collect palladium. If you want to help them in any way, you create a informative thread in Newbies section.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  3. There is also the fact that new quest with high ep made it possible for more players to get to the pally fields since most think you have to be level 16 when really only have to be level 12 to get there. and really who cares about their flying habits unless they aren't really controlling their ship and using some external thing but other than that each player can fly how they want. they will learn with time
  4. True , and True...It seemed more than coincidental , but that could be it . So I'll go back to my corner.

    Their has been some odd player flying as well, and I made a connection that is perhaps not there ? that's what made me concerned ( more than all the new threads). TY for answering. you can close
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