Demaner & other fixes/changes today

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Solid_Eye, Dec 21, 2016.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello spacepilots,

    Here is the update for this week

    • The Spectrum ability cooldown has been changed and set to 180 seconds. The cooldown starts once the effect has ended.​

    • Client log: Amounts of 999+ of any item would not be displayed with the thousand-separator. This has been fixed. (e.g. “10000” -> “10,000”)
    • Demaner Drops: We fixed an issue where players could pick up boxes that were not meant for them.
    • Exploit: Players could somehow receive free booty keys. This is no longer the case.
    • Kuiper Gate: A visual issue with the textures in the last map has been repaired.

    • Missions
    → 506229 – Black Out – The time limit has been removed. 40 minutes was not enough time.
    → 503007 – (Cold Wave 2015) The mission tasks included collecting Promerium in a zone which a level 6 player cannot enter. Now you are no longer required to collect Promerium.​

    • Obsidian Boxes
    → The number of keys is now displayed in the hangar.
    → We fixed an error in the description of the Obsidian Microchip key Premium package. You get 1 Goliath-X drone design.
    -Those who already purchased this package with the description of 10 designs will be attended to accordingly​

    • Refractions
    → Demilitarized zones (“No attack zones”): Players under attack can no longer retreat to DEM zones and hope that the attack is canceled. Now these zones work as in the rest of the game: When you are under attack and enter a demilitarized zone, the enemy will still be able to keep firing.
    → Stuck on Map: Players should now be able to log back in, even if they left the game while being in a CSZ. They are now placed back in the “normal space”
    → Stuck in Queue: It should no longer be possible to get stuck in the queue should a player be trying to access the CSZ when the game server restarts.​

    Finally, unfortunately due to the issues that arose the Demaners will not return this month (10th anniversary FAQ has been updated accordingly). The current aim is to re-run the event next month after everything has been re-checked.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
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