design from booty

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by crow969, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. crow969

    crow969 User

    Hello. Yesterday night i was collecting booty boxes in 5-3 ...after a few boxes i found a lightning design (i saw the log in the game screen that said that i received a lightning design) after, i collected a few more boxes and logged out....only to find out that i dont have the design. I checked the main page log and it didnt show that i received a design:eek:. Can some admin please check my log from last night before i send this to support? Thank you.
  2. Hello there. Your rewards of designs won't be show in your logbook but you can check it in your hangar. Lightning design is Vengeance design so you need to get Vengeance to see if you got it. If not please contact support and put you UID there as well.
  3. crow969

    crow969 User

    thank you for your response ..i have veng ship. i sent a ticket to support since no admin is responding to my post.
  4. Your welcome. Hopefully they will solve the problem.
    Have a nice day.
  5. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    As you have sent a ticket to support I am going to close this. I will add that there should be a drop down section in your equipment hanger above the "pet" tab (if you have one) which will list all your designs for the ship you are using.

    Regards and closed as contacted support.
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