design not showing

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by PacificNW, Oct 30, 2022.

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  1. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    got 5 bat design for drones in calendar but they don't show up on ship in game even though loaded on drones

  2. make sure to go in settings and click show drones.
    Sgt~Ocker and jayherbo like this.
  3. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    checked that. both show drones and show my drones are checked but the design doesn't show in game.

    not a big deal really

  4. The only other suggestion would be to make sure they are loaded on both configs, and if that isn't it try changing ships delete config and reload should hopefully fix it although I think most are like me I don't show drones as it creates more lag. Cheers
  5. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    put on both configs and they show up.

    thank you

    may close

    see you in the world

    TermiteFan likes this.
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing as requested.
    TermiteFan likes this.
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