Designs inquiry

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by SkyHero-42, Feb 23, 2024.

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  1. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User


    can an expert advise? where the G-X goliath and surgeon designs be found or crafted.?

    many thanks.
  2. Goliath X or Surgeon designs are not available right now. If you mean just Goliath X and Surgeon ships:
    You can get Surgeon 2 ways. first way is from galaxy gate special rewards weekend in Kuiper gate. you have around 10% chance to get it as an extra reward. second way is from Nova galaxy gate weekend, completing Lambda gate has 10% chance to give you Surgeon ship.
    You cant get Goliath X right now, it is in store or payment rarely. Surgeon is also on shop rarely for 300,000 uridium.
    ^ Here you can see when Nova weekend or galaxy gate special rewards is running
  3. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    very nice to see these designs in shop .. thanks