Dev blog - Dec'15 feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. They have been toying with a SAVED configuration thing since the original TEST of this but it has never come to fruition. Many threads have been created in the areas USS-Aries has told you to post in to no avail either. You will find most of the direction the devs go are for financial gain not for play ability or players convenience. The Hangar change was not even one that the players wanted and was half of another update that they decided was going to cause too much loss of players to institute so the back burner-ed the "Equipment in Client" and dropped this in our lap instead and with PvP quests not working managed to alienate another major amount of their revenue stream, that they are again trying to recover from another source, Assembly System, which is another topic all together.
    Mmayuri likes this.
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