Developers's Blog August Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ASTRAEA, Aug 25, 2015.

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  1. Have you tried to do it as a level 10 or less? There are not enough players to kill the NPC's and as they cluster, hit harder than you can and thus is very boring and unable to complete as you pop more than the NPC's do. If they modified the counts to the number of people in the gate it would be a nice change for the newbs.

    WAHHHH!!!! As these do not stack anyways just buy more at one time. You know they sell every MHH (weekly) and they only run while active in game so figure out how long you will play double that and buy enough to cover that amount of time. You are a flipping WALLET anyways use your WALLET instead of your fingers.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 8, 2015
  2. I take back anything ive ever said bad about darkorbit the new event boxes Are the Best thing ive ever seen darkorbit Do thanks Darkorbit Team ^^


    hi also agree even with server restart and boxes dropping down still can make gates plenty of ammo emps pet fuel welldone DO hope xmas boxes throw out some surprises ;)
  4. ya many people are crying about the gate droping but hey i thank darkorbit for the one day they were like that it really gave back to players I for one understand that if they left it like that for a week they would go broke no one would buy uri for months so again thanks for what we got i'm Happy


    me 2 :)
  6. If you can do a GG aka 'A' gate you can do Invasion Gate, but I...ahh, I just hate circling. I don't play like I have ADD.
    I am watchin' a movie o_O
  7. Well I have found that I am only logging in to deal with SKYLAB TRANSFERS and doing DAILY QUESTS about every 12 days as it is getting to be so boring in the game now. Don't find anyone to help with UFE attackers killing NEWBS with 2 shots in lower maps. And since the maps are ghost towns they end up popping you over and over till you decide you have popped enough today. They decided to change the Cargo Drone from PERMANENT to "100 use only" and thus you either buy these all the time or forget about collecting cargo as you leave it in the maps after being popped anyways. New gates too hard for a NEWB to do and only way to get stronger is in maps where you are just cannon fodder for the UFE. I enjoyed the game when I could make my ship FE from in game play but find trying to become UFE is only done with your WALLET and thus has taken the FREE2PLAY out of Dark Orbit as if you are not UFE you do not have a chance to survive an attack anymore.

    Oh well I guess I will join the millions of unseen players on the books.
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