Developers's Blog May Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, May 8, 2015.

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  1. *Boots*

    *Boots* User

    I believe being banned from forums for saying what you feel, while annoying, is better than not saying. Then you're just letting the people running the asylum keep on with what they've done without telling them why the inmates of the asylum are about to revolt. If done well enough angry posts from angry players get the attention of those developing the game.

    About what you've said about game economics, I do agree something needs to be done to allow the free player to bulk up in a timely fashion. As far as being forced to push... what else do you do if there's only 5 other players on the server and you outmatch them ridiculously??? You're not being forced to push??? I suppose you're not.. you could just quit.. and come back when BP has fixed the game economics.

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