Discount Iris cost chart

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by VintageAion, Sep 1, 2014.

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  1. IDK if someone made this but I made this while I was trying to calculate how much it cost for each iris + all discounts. So I said why not just share it because I don't know if someone else might need it.


    If someone made this already, I am sorry. I didn't really search forums for it.
  2. allow me just to mention that
    the best way to get iris is in auction
    • just lvl up your skylab (at least lvl10)
    • lvl up your honor up to 500.000
    • get the pet gear that can sell promerium from bet with +30% credit bonus (the one lvl3)
    • produce promerium
    • shel these promerium
    • get the credits from shelling promerium
    • get 1 more hangar, 1 cytadel and some cheap pet cargo expanders (till cytadel has 12000 cargo) ... if u want to shell only once every day
    • play in auction
    • u got them !!
    use your money / uridium ONLY for items not available in auction
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
    heimdall2012 likes this.
  3. Yea, Lately, Irises in trade have been expensive. I been waiting on a time where people don't bid as high but every hour, people bid over 100m and I only have 2m. lol
  4. mate
    ALWAYS iris is expencive in auction
    but ..
    there are soooo many items that need your uri that its realy not worth it to spent them in iris
    just have patience, this is the key
    make your skylab above lvl10
    make your honor 500.000 so that you be able to sell 1 promerium for 1000 credit (double price than when u start DO)

    to give u an image if done everything right then u will be able to get 15.000.000 credits every 24 hours
    (see my updated list of things to do for get iris in auction)
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
  5. Yea I already know that. But I got plenty of Uridium right now to buy what I need and I can easily get more next Mega.
  6. then spend them in the list mention before (+1 hangar , cytadel etc etc)
    you will need all of these eventually
    (just my advice - u r free to do whatever you want)
  7. I am a lazy player ;)
  8. ok mate
    have a nice day then ;)
    VintageAion likes this.
  9. vsc99073

    vsc99073 User

    I got 4 iris, most expensive was 20,000,000.
  10. depents from
    • server
    • time
    • luck
  11. Could have been useful in 2007 maybe, still, thanks :)
  12. jackknife

    jackknife User

    go and buy, the chart is nice thank u. my server ga3 the cost ranges between 70k-60k per iris at a certain time, heck bought a goli 3 skins for 500,000 i was lucky that day.
  13. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    lol some servers u win ships for 10k and iris for 500k :p
  14. usa west you can pick up iris for 20 - 30 mil ea
  15. because if you can get a citadel and an extra hangar you cant afford iris? are you stupid or just special?
  16. I love when people like you pown yourselves. The extra hangar and citadel would cost 300k uri. All iris cost more than 500k uri. The first method is cheaper, and gives continuous credits for iris, popped iris, equipment etc, and another hangar with an ok ships with useful abilities. Consider yourself *takes off sunglasses* powned. I'm giving ya a little slack cuz you're new
  17. I'm not new, im saying if you can get a citadel, you can get iris, its ten mill creds on trade, if you are that guy thats just joined and spent 100 bucks, you dont deserve iris. get iris before you get a citadel. its easier, cheaper, and more effective for the poor people who arent you.
  18. Someone doesn't like people who use their wallet lmao. Also no, no it's not easier to outright buy iris. Full iris are around 2x what citadel costs, and citadel will get you full iris and more, with level 20 Skylab. As well as a ship. Also do try to keep your feelings out of posts lol
  19. see it is tho, i can save up around 10k uri a day, opposed to 10 mill creds a day, enough to get an iris on east 2, so full iris, not that hard to obtain, just takes more than an hour, also i dont have lvl 20 skylab and i feel that those who do have lvl 20 skylab, and citadels have full iris anyways, all im saying is, if youre going to spend money, do it when you know what youre doing, not when you first start out. and its not feelings, its opinions, or rather facts id say, as the majority of people who play darkorbit, dont have 100 bucks they can throw to get a citadel and an extra hangar.
  20. NemJones

    NemJones User

    Ridiculous amounts for drones.