Disliking Posts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sirpwnsalot34, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. I think we should have it.
  2. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Basically just a poll system then.
  3. I would have to disagree because of the nature of some people, they would just abuse it and dislike everything. Don't like what you don't agree with, that's basically the dislike feature and gaining likes is something someone would have to gain that the community would agree to.
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I agree with sociopath, it is just the poll system. I like how it is right now, you can only like people's posts, you don't have the trollers that dislike everything for no reason other than for the sole purpose of annoying people.
    LazarusAdam and VESPID like this.
  5. I guess you guys are right.
  6. I don't like your post. ;)