Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Enigmatic, Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. XScattaX

    XScattaX User

    wait at what time is this event on Global America 1?
  2. Enigmatic

    Enigmatic User

    At your usual mega happy hour time.
  3. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    330000 + 950400 = 1280400
    1280400 - 990000 = 290400

    290400 more Uridium then Mega Happy Hour!
  4. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    You rich bro...
    [-КАТЮША-] and Enigmatic like this.
  5. @ the 80:31 Does this mean that it lasts longer than an mhh? or is it just 60 mins as well?
  6. Enigmatic

    Enigmatic User

    What the timer says. It lasts longer, yes.
  7. Why would the developers confuse the issue and call it a Hack?
  8. Agreed, the only reason I trusted it is because Okapi32 told us it would happen last month. Other then that it was a very confusing happy hour, and I bought 5,000 uri as a test first to see what would happen.
  9. damn.. i missed another good deal..
  10. April Fools joke is on Wednesday and was not yesterday. Yesterday I also wondered because we thought DarkOrbit was really hacked by 'Helix Group'.

    Do you all think that this event will come next time to DarkOrbit? Because it's an advantage for the Community but for DarkOrbit is the advantage to get more clients.
  11. Premature meaning early
  12. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    I missed the previous Mega Happy Hour, bought 600 Log Disk during Log Disk Day, few days later, discount on Log Disk up to 50%.
    I got conned, HARD! I could have bought more Log Disk if I have first buy Uridium during Mega Happy Hour!
  13. Prime example of sods law
  14. Well...missed this as well too. Was out and about (living). I'll get it next time when they have the 'You are so square' event aka x4 ;) A square has four sides - get it o_O
  15. When they put this Deal up on the West Coast Server.. will anyone just Give me a CALL.. Marz99-911-9111 ==> Admin.. Its just a Joke..

    they used to Call yellowSubmarine an L7..
    which used to mean Square as well..
    ( In the BackGround, sounds from a Classroom of Navy Seals.. ===> " ooo-oohh That's Deep.. " )
  16. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Closing as requested.

    Best regards,
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