Do's and Dont's of Darkorbit

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by chixonator, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Well I'll just take his ratings of the Spearhead as an example. (IMO Elite is a perfect design)
    JAM-X is 10/10 from me, since it is a psychological weapon which stops Spectrums from trying to use their ability (Useless against only Solace, I've used it to stop Afterburner skill before). Furthermore it's immunity against Venoms, Diminishers, Sentinels and Aegis.

    Ultimate Cloaking is 10/10 from me, it's enabled my escape from innumerable situtations without having to use a jump chip, as then you aren't still in the map to wreak yet more havoc. It also lets you disappear even from Autolockers, which is brilliant, and scout or mine enemy stacks and bases and whatnot which other ships die doing.

    Recon would actually get a 10/10 from me as well. It grants you the ability to scan an entire map in the time it takes the skill to run out - since you can also pay attention to NPC movements or absences to track down any players that are off your map.

    Finally, Target Marker gets a 9/10. If the damage boost wasn't a pathetic 5%, it'd be 10/10, but it isn't, so hell. Still, it does beacon the enemy on the map for the entire outfit, but moreso than that, it rings around cloakers that you've locked - so if you're the best in your outfit at locking cloakers (Which I sometimes am), you can highlight them on screen with the marker (even if you're off screen) and get them scrapped.
  2. From experience with a clan, many new players always ask for credits. Well a new player starting out does have a challenge getting credits.
    Here are the items from the Shop that will help you get billions of credits.

    The Geminex XI cargo bay expander and the HM7 Trade Drone from the extras.

    You must have a PET with the G-AL-1 Auto Looter any level will do.

    You must have the G-TRA1 cargo trader level 3, this will give you a trade bonus of 30% and if you combine this with RES-B01 and RES-B02 you receive 25% each more resources from NPC'S.

    Do NOT refine your cargo, you will lose value from the minerals.

    From the small NPC's to Cubes and Uber NPC's, will start to gain credits, if your Pet is busy selling the cargo and your ship is full again, then use the HM7 trade drone.

    You want that Aegis with Elite Design? 2.2 billion credits is the cost for a winning bid in auction and making your own credits will be more satisfying than getting a hand out from a clan. All this takes is time and hard work. Many boring hours of collecting boxes for Uri, credits and GG spins. Many hours spent chatting with players in the same situation will make time fly, a good way to make friends.

    Want anything from the Auction? This is a method to get ships, designs, boosters anything in the Auction.

  3. Dont spend money on the game until they give players the service they should get.
    test020 likes this.
  4. DO: get UFE and 1v1 me
    DON'T: 3v1 me ever again
  5. relax

    relax User

    ok 1v1 in spearheads
  6. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Anything new to say for the 3D formations?
  7. well ring has shields reduced to 120% from 180% increase. this has been a fun formation to fly around with and have players shoot you. it is great in gates. if you use seprom on your lasers, you use more of that with reduced damage. moth will cut your hp so another problem. I would rather use heart and moth for pvp and drill to finish players off.
    i have been playing with Pusat a bit and find two things, wonderful damage and it is easy to get popped. I got 159 kills vs 4 times i got popped in EIC uppers.
    now i am in a cycle, get more x4 then pop more players.
  8. Steam3

    Steam3 User

    I haven't played for a few years and can't remember how to get my nanohull repaired, I need Help please ! ! !
  9. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    You can't repair nanohull this is something you get from GG spins and show up as a yellow bar between your shields and hull status and once your nanohull is down its gone until you spin again for GG's. Most players activate a peanut as it takes only a small amount of nanohull and increasing gate part chances.
  10. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    Thanks for the help full information.
    chixonator likes this.
  11. DON'T get ufe that cost $2k-3k a waist of money
    DO tell support if you find the game sucks since assembly was introduced
    DONT sit back and let poor lagg and bugg issues keep going speck up and tell support
    DO enjoy poping pets
  12. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Always!!! :D:D
  13. Bosanac

    Bosanac User

    I've a qucik question. What did you mean with: 11. Lordakium quests, Do these with an outfit to gain access to 2-6 and 2-7, These are where the real credits lie ? What do i need to do, and what do you mean by real credits ?
  14. X-7 map is where kristalin and kristalons are, not many enemy come to that map and you will gain alot of credits there.
    X-6 are cubikons good uri and credits there.
    Bosanac likes this.
  15. Bosanac

    Bosanac User

    Blaster, thank you very much for answering :)
  16. Dont run mouth at other players if you are FE in one of the top clans, karma will go after you and you gonna get popped a lot when your UFE clanmates aren´t there to save your ass.
    Dont beg for help ALL the time, even if its to your clanmates. Just try to farm alone like most of us had to do and, if someone who is in outfit with you and he gonna be doing the most of the damage, ask him/her before joining (they will say "yes" most likely)
    trapperwynn1 likes this.
  17. 1.Dont leach someones cubes.
    2.Do the math before you are up to something.
    3.Dont forget to rep your drones.
    4.Dont abuse someone.
    5.Dont do upgrates or gates without rebate(lol).
    6.Try to have more than 200k uri in stack.(for bad days,or events)
    7.Dont moth aegis or goliath(with energy leach).
    8.Dont use 3th party programs and dont abuse bugs.
    9.Send skylab ores daily.
  18. This is generally a good thread, sure the grammar definitely needs work but it's mostly understandable. I might recommend this thread to some of the new players I meet daily, might give them some insight.