Down again?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Waaugh, Oct 15, 2023.

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  1. Waaugh

    Waaugh User

    Game is broken again.

    On sunday 'double gate rewards day' SHOCKER!

    Can we get some kind of update?
  2. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    same here
  3. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    it is i was spinning for zeta and spent 30k for one spin to complete gate figured i would log out n back in then bad gate way crap started happening agian lol wth
  4. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Notice game is full of bots again! ge5 is anyway and none are getting caught and banned
  6. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    12:30 pacific time, won't establish connection on global server.

    12:45 got in
  7. test020

    test020 User

    there was outage a few minutes ago.
    i lost a VoT life thanks to it, my brother also lost a life during daily server restart too :KEK:
    now i told him to use sibelon ammo and x4 to get stuff done quick.
  8. savo666gv

    savo666gv User

    down still
  9. Down here now. Hackers again?
  10. Yes down again ,down every weekend and mid week and ever single event .........Do you wonder why people flood the maps afk.....
    Every Helix MHH ,happily take money knowing game is trash for connections DDOS supposedly ever week too, the only thing thats working 100% is payments lmao -imagine
    everyone spending is just keeping the tumble-weed going. c(--_(-__-)_--)p
  11. cant open start page:(
  12. i work all week despite mostly only play wend unlike the botts and i get why they bot i dont...i dont spend anymore 1 cause of the botts 2 cause game to exspensive and 3 wend wen i play most all ways same crap ..i played many years i love the game and we were promised client would get rid of all issues its not a proper client and tbh hasnt changed the problems we had so i ask dark orbit bigpoint your billion airs pls pls sort this game out properly get rid of the old forum stuff outdated and inactive clans and so on ..clear your cache and if the programmers are as good as they say fix game if it gets sorted i might start to pay for prem but the cost needs to com down :)
    .-señor_dark11-. and AVIT like this.
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Lost connect yesterday so could not play .Lost connection again this morning in terror gate ,,so cannot play again .
    I bet the only people in the maps are botters gaining hon ep and ammo and stuff while the real players suffer !!! from no game play and loss of rank position .
  14. savo666gv

    savo666gv User

    0 $$$ spent
  15. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    yup can't establish connection to game.
  16. can't log in to a game I [REMOVED] pay for ..a bloody joke
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 22, 2023
  17. test020

    test020 User

    well, bigpoint payment it is, at least they will give me uridium or a ship pack.
    a online game store was giving a certain 5 game for free, lots of people tried to claim it and it caused a unintentional ddos at their servers, double weekend seems to be the same case, many people trying to do gates so servers get ddos.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  18. 0utatime

    0utatime User

    Lost connection during Zeta, been over an hour and a half, still wont let me log back on
  19. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    spent some bucks on uri, boosters, battle pass and ascend boosters. all this just so i could fight logging in wow so much fun.
  20. 0utatime

    0utatime User

    Tried a few things, can use backpage change ships, even log on and play on different ships, just not the one i regulary use, it is clearly a problem with zeta gate for me