Drone damage.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ZÿИΛPS™, Jan 4, 2014.

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New maps and icon on front page for drone damage?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. ;););););););)It would be good if the drone damage is displayed on the front page, so that we can see the damage to drones as it occurs. ;););););););)

    New maps would be good too!
  2. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Well, the polls should be posted elsewhere... though I agree that the drone damage should be "poking" the eyes and visible on the game page.
  3. Why does everything on this game need to be posted elsewhere? It should be a bit more clear what to post and where?

    ASTRAEA User

    This has been moved to the Speakers Corner area... It is usually best to read the Section Guidelines before posting in certain areas. This will help you to decide what area to best post in.

    Thank you
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  5. lol, i was thinking of this to, just yestereday. But anyway, yh i do agree, with ur idea ofc! XD
  6. Thanx for the votes guys, keep em coming!!
  7. Hi Zynpops :D

    Why the hell are people voting no for this?!?!?! It is a good idea.

    The second bit on your post about new maps... I do disagree with that. The maps are empty enough as it is, adding more would just make that worse. If the game gets more players on the servers, then maybe yes.
  8. I agree drone damage on front page would be alot easier to track.