Drone Formation Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Okapi32, Jun 29, 2015.

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  1. ONE WOULD THINK..... Having 3 million shields and a little less speed would offer more survivability than 1million shields and normal speed eh?
  2. oh i thought it did more than 20% laser damage originally and they changed it lol :rolleyes:
  3. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Maybe if you play on some n00bish server, I would understand that it's okay for you, but try to play on Global Europe 1, where single ship is hitting you 250-350k and normally isn't alone and not to talk about if you use emp and cloack, they will immediately lock you because of their skill or autolock.

    I bought Ring formation for surviving in my Citadel (which is alreeady normally slower than Goliath), but now it's just one of the most useless formation in the game. What's the point for me having bigger dmg on ring formation, when you just trying to escape. Why would anybody even fight with this formation? That just doesn't make any sense.

    How can you even say it's better? 60 % less shields and it's slows you down, so even if you would like to fight with it, the time you change the formation, the ship is already gone. And the only thing you can do is just deal with it and eat a chocolate banana.
  4. Not at all, the formation is far from useless, I too play on GE1 and I understand what you are saying, but the design was to strong at full speed, its hard enough getting kills on the server with all the runners.
    if you still think the design is useless I challenge you to destroy me with it in a 1vs1 just in ring formation.
  5. Rossi

    Rossi User

    hard enough getting kills? You what mate? Even I with citadel have no problem to fly on x-6 and kill ships and you are telling me it's hard to kill someone? top kek

    Okay, when I will have double boosters with rsb and everything, I will gladly show you how you can get rekt when you will use that formation.
  6. Let's try to stay on topic, no? If you're getting hit with 300k that 60% ain't gonna save you anyways. Also climbing in the slowest ship in game isn't the best idea for running
  7. Rossi

    Rossi User

    You can't be more wrong. Before the change I had over 2 million shields with almost 800k HP and full speed, so if you have skill you still could just run away, even if ships are shooting you with 300k.

    Now you have less shields and you are slowed down, so even if you try to escape nothing will help you because they will get to you before you even change the formation.
  8. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Maybe so, but still it was necessary. If you can't see that it was OP... o_O it basically got the nerf it deserved. They shoulda done what they did to drill to ring before it was released.
  9. And if you bought Ring to run in, that was a mistake to begin with, especially in the SLOWEST ship in the game !!!

    If you wanted to run, you shoulda bought WHEEL ..... nuff said.

    Based off community feedback, they did lower the damage that drill does, but they did it before they released it for sale.

    You are right about the customer service / product side. Dark Orbit DID mess up.

    But I still say that the formation is stronger as it is, than as it was...but that is a picky point so I'll drop that one.

    The reason no one uses it (I think they will again watch) is ppl innitialy bought it to fly full speed with 3 mill shields. Once UFE's realize that the speed reduction Doesn't matter in a fight where the enemy stays, they will use it, and if they run?? Fine switch to another formation -_-

    Also, any real fight would only use ring for the first half of the fight, then switch to pincer, drill or diamond......so BACK TO FULL SPEED TO FINISH THE FIGHT , which is when people run anyways !!! ........See? ( yeah except drill cus thats slow too)

    ANYONE WHO WANTED this formation to "run" in...bought the WRONG design (whoops).....Wheel makes you go FASTER...isn't THAT the RUNNING formation ??!!:confused:
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 8, 2015


    jesus rossi grow up and stop being such a sissy just because the ring isn't the best formation on the game anymore and now just one of the best.
  11. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Citadel might be slow, but if you know how to use it, it's awesome and you are still able to run away across the whole map from goliath. I was using it for CBS demolition, defending other players and yes, runninng away from enemies, when they attack me, while I am cubikoning or doing other stuff when I am not fully ready to fight back.

    I don't care it's not the best formation, I am just angry, they change it after people bought it! THAT'S THE PROBLEM! It's like buying a Ferrari and than they take it from you and give you Prius and tell you: "Well, we think this is better for you".

    After they give me and other people uridium back, I will stop complaining.

    So take your pseodo-smart comment and deep fry it in polish chocolate. You are not rough, neither funny. Bye.


    you're not getting the ferrari you're looking for, for 150k uridium. The formation is still great to have so be happy with it. This kind of stuff has happened and will still be happening over the years and even if you comment here, you don't change anything. So put up with it already, or at least go annoy support.
  13. Rossi

    Rossi User

    I guess you don't know how simile works, don't you?

    I bought something what suppossed to do what they promised to do. But it does not. Yes, something like this happend before, but it should not. Not at least without compensation!

    This is forum, forum is for discussing. So I discuss and saying, this is rubbish. If you don't like what I, or other people that don't agree with that change, are saying and have nothing to contribute with, than don't even bother to read that. Your posts are just pointless not only for me, but for everybody.

    You are no mod or admin, so you have no right to tell me what should or shouldn't do, or say here on forum. And you have absolutely no right to sending me to support.

    The only person who is annoying is you. You started calling me sissy, so calm your moobs and walk off.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015


    There is always going to be something we don't like. I don't like getting popped, but it is part of the game. You don't like it? Don't play.

    Offering something something one way and delivering something else is called THEFT BY DECEIT. DO can hide behind their Terms of Use and Disclaimers all they want. It won't change the simple fact: WE GOT ROBBED.
    Infinite21 likes this.
  15. And you all agreed to this when you clicked you accept the terms, if you have not gone through reading terms word by word then you cannot complain:

    1.2.15 The User has no right to retain the Games and/or Services of the version current at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Bigpoint reserves the right to cease operation of individual Bigpoint Games and/or Services at any time without prior notice or justification.

    10.1 Bigpoint grants the User access to the Games and Services in their current version only (Sec. 1.2). The User has no right to demand the maintenance or restoring of a particular version or range of functions of the Games and Services. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Games and Services provided by Bigpoint, as with any other software, can never be completely free of errors. Therefore, the Games and Services can only be considered to be defective if their playability or usability is affected severely and over a sustained period of time.

    BP wins you can all go home now, nothing to see here. In the future just keep in mind to not buy anything since they can change it anytime they wish :p
    Infinite21 likes this.
  16. *Boots*

    *Boots* User

    So don't pay to play and you won't feel robbed:) simple

    Its a free game.. and as a free game its okey if the developers rob your imaginary currency:) Recently I put 70k uri into booty keys for this lf4 helix thing and didn't get anything out of it.. did I feel robbed?? NOOO because I really didn't put actual money into it... just monopoly money. The moment you spend money on this game you're saying that these car salesman like tactics of these business men are ok. Keep spending money on the game and keep getting cheated out of it.

  17. Yup. Its all a gamble. You invest, be happy with what you get while you have it ;)


    I do take the liberty and luxury of spending money on the game. My choice and my right. I do not begrudge the random nature of many features, like booty keys, in this game.

    But, as frustrating as this is to say, DO has the right to do whatever they want. :mad:

    As always, the forum is a good place to vent and make yourself look like a whining cry baby. :rolleyes:

    What if we bought some U. and decided to only pay 2/3 of the amount DO thought they were getting?;)
  19. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    The fact that the X formation now gives 0 honor regardless seems very counter productive towards the purpose of that formation. It also sucks for those that forget to change from it within the gate, and end up with 0 honor as a result.
  20. It's meant for newbs to level up. Kill npcs quicker and get more exp to level up quicker and a bit of extra survival. Noobs don't need honor. If you're fe or above and need honor get barrage or bat or drill.
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