Echo-10 Hellstorm quick buy option

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -zombiedude-, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Has it ever been suggested that we have a quick buy option for the Echo-10 Hellstorms?
  2. I just counter this buy using the "Auto Rocket Purchase CPU" and set it to the ECO-10.
    The PLT-2026, or whatever rocket you commonly use, I just add that quick-buy to my hot keys.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  3. True that's one way. I usually got the chip slots loaded to max LOL.
    How about a bigger CPU slot +12 :cool:
  4. i know a trick for ecos and 2026 buying, use 2 seperate rocket buy chips, put one in each config then set one for ecos and other chip for 2026s, then all u do is change config to buy when you fall below 100 of either, works a treat :)
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    That's what I do:)
  6. i did try the same thing using seperate smartbomb and instashield chips in each config thinking i might get 2 sb and instas, but no joy there lol
  7. That is correct - that is what I do too. You should too. It's an automatic buy ;)
  8. I also use that trick. :p
  9. Wow, did not think of this, thank you! ^^
  10. ~Dr.Agony~

    ~Dr.Agony~ User

    Being over ammo from doing so many GG spins, I never really have to worry about buying rockets, so I only have my auto-buy cpu set to eco-10. But having two different auto-buy Cpus on your configs is a good way to go.