Empyrian March Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Nov 8, 2023.

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  1. i find its difficult to get luminum as ge5 always losing connection :p

    logged in did alpha and mission events and now its gone lol, prob take 6 hours or more again to log back in
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 12, 2023
  2. test020

    test020 User

    *looks at automated liberators at my X-1 base after getting 2000 wiz from empy box and luminidirium assembly*
    hmm, say no more.
    (name hidden to prevent name and shame rule break)
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2023
  3. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    Cant log on again. fix the game before you start an event, funny how all the botr's are on all day every day, and regular players cant get on,
  4. cant login again, backpage goes down to with..

    This page isn’t workinggb1.darkorbit.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    been like this for weeks, sometimes can log in 7 hours later on gb1
  5. Empyrian Booty Boxes do not drop cerb drone designs. It drops Ocean Phantom Drone Designs in its place.
    This has been an issue ever since Monday Morning since the morning restart, aka 32 hours of Empyrian Booty Boxes being broken like the launch of the event.

    Can we for the love of god get a fix already & replace everyone who got Ocean Phantom Drone Designs to Cerbs?.
  6. Why doesnt the pet pick up the lumenium?
    I *PAID* for that unlike the AI ships soaking it up all around me. Locking is insane as ships are blasting aliens as soon as they spawn./
  7. test020

    test020 User

    on discord it was said to be a bug, funny how we got some silly daily quests instead of quests to give you the drone design, hell, they could have even done it in the same way as those awful winter quests where they were unlocked as days went by and you could do them all in one go or those diminishing quests where you get them after a while (or in this case as you jumped in a map) even though you are trying to complete the dumb 1500 cargo boxes bp quest on X-2 since it's faster...
  8. you can turn off cargo boxes if you want to in settings. then back on later
  9. Kaylion

    Kaylion User

    I got one cerberus design from that booty boxes..
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