Empyrian March Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Jan 5, 2025.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Empyrian March Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    yay another event for the botters,,, the maps are full of em, and as usual get all the rewards..........
    -PRICEYSID- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  3. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    there is so many cheats in the maps the games lagging like anything, and you cant lock any npc,s before the cheats lock them........
    SORT THE GAME OUT GET RID OF THEM......................
    -PRICEYSID- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  4. Pikey

    Pikey User

    pvp game what a joke, theres more cheats on this game than fish in the sea...honestly anybody that pays money on this game must be an idiot.
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  5. Empyrian Bot Event

    There, fixed it for you...

    Just cheating players farming lums so they can steal 100% of everything that can be assembled from it, especially those ship mods...

    I do not bother anymore as I have better things to do with my time... seeing women... making music... remixing other works... making a fortune doing it... seeing friends... so I'm not going to spend hours farming tiny amounts of resources to find I need ridiculous amounts to actually assemble anything... just a joke now and why 99% of the players cheat to steal 100% of everything... excessively labour intensive for little reward for non cheaters who have better things to do with their time or just have life in general to get on with because they work, have kids, have pets maybe too, have other hobbies that they enjoy so they do not want to be wasting their life playing this for several hours per day while 99% of others cheat their way through all these events and battlepass events...

    This use to be a good and fun game... but bp ruined it by adding nonsense that was never needed and by allowing cheating and stealing for a permanent unfair advantage... but then the far left destroys everything it touches, just look at the state of our countries...
  6. had me all the way till the end, I doubt Chinese ownership can be considered "far left" leave politics out of it.
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
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