Enable Adobe Flash Player

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 21, 2014.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Enable Adobe Flash Player
    (in Google Chrome)
    Flash Player is integrated with Google Chrome as Pepper plug-in. It's possible that you have issues with Adobe Connect, Adobe AIR badge installation, or some of the game sites in the latest Chrome Flash Player plug-in. As a workaround, enable the system plug-in in Google Chrome.

    If you have installed Flash Player using Mozilla Firefox or Safari, Google Chrome displays it in the plug-in list. You can enable this plug-in in Chrome.

    Note: If you have issues with integrated Flash Player plug-in in Chrome, report the issue to Google.

    Enable system Flash Player in Google Chrome
    1. Open Google Chrome.
    2. In the address bar, type the following and press Enter: chrome://plugins
    3. Click Details and move to the Flash section.
    4. On Windows: If you see multiple entries for Flash Player, disable the Pepper version by clicking Disable.
      Note: The Pepper Flash Player plug-in is specified in the location attribute as shown below:

    enable 1.png
    1. On Mac OS: If you see multiple entries for Flash Player, disable Flash Player Plugin for Chrome by clicking Disable.

    enable 2.png
    1. If you don't see multiple versions of Flash Player, install Flash Player using Mozilla Firefox or Safari and repeat steps 1 through 5. For more information on installing latest Flash Player, see the following links: Installing Flash Player | Windows | Mozilla Firefox Installing Flash Player | Mac | Safari
    2. Restart the browser and see if you find issues with Adobe Connect or Adobe AIR badge installation.
    Important: Adobe recommends that you have the latest Flash Player. To know the Flash Player version installed in your computer, see Find Flash Player document. If the version is not the most updated version, install Flash Player using Safari or Mozilla Firefox. After installing the latest version, use the steps above to enable the latest Flash Player.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
    МŐŃĶ24 likes this.
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