Epsilon Gate

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by SkyHero-42, May 13, 2024.

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  1. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User


    i am building Epsilon gate, just before jumping is there any consideration to use a certain ship and a good perspective how the gate is hard for lvl 16 pilot and other recommendations pls..

    thanks a lot
  2. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Hey, back in the day when they introduced it, they suggested that the aliens in the gate a little faster. If I recall correctly, if you're using a goliath variant, I believe it was 8 speed generators and 7 shield generators for optimal experience before you get enough equipment to power through the gate with no shield, full speed full damage config and moth formation.

    - until you get equipment: full damage, 8 speed, 7 shield generators (assuming you use goliath, if you use other ships, calculate speed to shield ratio)
    - if you feel powerful enough: full damage, full speed, moth formation regardless of ship is optimal.

    Reasoning for moth:
    In gates the shields of NPCs absorb less damage (60% absorption I think, or maybe 50-50) which means with moth each shot is at peak efficiency as any alein dies with having shields leftover.

    EDIT: Try this suggestion for the first wave or two and see how it feels. Maybe 8 shields and 7 speed is more optimal. You'll figure it out
    jayherbo likes this.
  3. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    thanks a lot, looks very challenging i have reviewed the gate info in game guide, i think the difficulty of waves is cumulative and i can adapt configs accordingly, but i fear last 2 or 3 waves. however:
    -i have solace ship
    -very good lasers
    -with moth formation i use full speed on config-1
    and half speed on config-2
    jayherbo likes this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    It's easy, you'll smash it :cool:
  5. SkyHero-42

    SkyHero-42 User

    thanks for your response, preparing & getting ready
    jayherbo likes this.