Equip rocks on your backpage

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SpeakTheTruth, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. It's nothing really big so most of you won't care but it's kinda convenient (If not for you, then some.) But we should have a update for the rocks that we equip on our ship be able to be equipped on our backpage, skylab is preferable. Just a quick little thought so don't think too hard on it :) lol
  2. we used to be able to equip rocks on rockets and ammo and ships or whatever on backpage long before skylab came into being.
  3. I don't ever recall being able to do that.
  4. obviously you have not been around long enough to remember that.

    jump to 3:38
  5. OHH now I remember, thing was, back then I didn't put resources on, and btw, I probably been here longer then you, my first account dates back to jan 2007.