"Errorlogin=CalmDown" Support won't respond with a fix...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Darklucifer_, May 16, 2014.

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  1. Alright, hello everyone.
    I have a account on us east 3 and while I was searching through my other servers rapidly I got kicked out (logged out all of a sudden) and now I get the same url response as above. I did research and they all say that means its a perma ban yet when i contacted support they said it had no bans or suspensions on it. I tried restarting and cleaning cache but nothing works. Now the support team isn't responding I don't know if its because they are stumped or if they can't respond to me but I need to let some one else know. I spent too much on this account lol.
  2. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    your account has been banned (temporaly or perm), the only way to get it back is contacting support, i got the same problem and it was because my pilot name was agaisnt the T&C, they gave my acc back after 2 days (the ban duration) though next one is permanent lol

    so.. yeah you need to contact support, you have to explain everything and all the data you can, if you cant log in and get your User ID, try giving your User name and your name on game if you changed it, it happened to me i couldn't get my User ID since i couldnt log in, so i tried my best to give all info i could

    thats Probably why support cant help you

    Good luck
  3. Hmm, I contacted again and even he said my account is perfectly fine. No ban or anything. I am really stumped and starting to worry :/

    I thought this would be simple and easy lol, cross our fingers for support to pull through I suppose!
  4. He stated support didn't ban him, he had asked.

    I had this issue one before. But a simple browser close, and restart worked fine for me. Support has to deal with it, nothing forums can do.
    -Corex- likes this.
  5. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Thank you all for assisting the player with their question.
    _Darklucifer_, You can try clearing your cache, a guide for this can be found >Here<. As you have already contacted Support in this matter you will have to continue the conversation with them as there is nothing further we can so here in Forums. Make sure when contacting Support that you are providing the correct UserID. If you are unsure, then provide them the ship name as it appears on the game screen.
    Closing as player has contacted Support.
    Best regards,
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