event missions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dlm40, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. dlm40

    dlm40 User

    if you miss a few mission does it stop giving you the missions?was wondering because i missed a few and i loged in today to do them and i dont have any to do help pls
  2. i can not finish my event mission it is not counting the rocks i am picking up. need help.
  3. To unlock the Special Winter Quests(Which were Today) you had to do the Regular misssion's 1-8. If you did all the Easy quests, then the Special Easy was un-locked today. If you did all the Hard quests, except for 1, the Special Hard quest will not Show. So do the Easy/Hard quests everyday to unlock the special quests, and then if you complete 3 of the 4 special easy quests you un-lock the final easy quest, same goes for special hard quests.
  4. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello dlm40

    The above is correct - thankyou APOLLO[SKE★].

    The Winter Quests (Easy and/or Hard) need to be completed each day. If you miss too many, then the Special Quest for that week will not become available - you will need to wait for the missions for the next week.

    Do you have further questions?