Event rewards all screwed up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .black__ace., May 3, 2014.

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  1. west server
    id 36219815

    haven't seen any ep and honor and the bonus box's aren't even 10%

    i am seeing a less then 4% on the box's and this isn't a normal for all players. they are getting a different % amount, some more others less

    ASTRAEA User

    As I have not recieved any information as to the event rewards I cannot give you a definate answer as if that has been implemented. As to what the boxes are offering, I can tell you the one server noted that the changes in boxes was only due to their win in space ball and was not an increase from the influence win.

    I hope that this helps to answer your question.
    Please have a nice day.


    Please know that when we have more information it will be posted in the Official announcements.