Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Jan 19, 2021.

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  1. Can i just point out that on every single server everybody knows exactly who the players are who are using illegal programs to gain an advantage.
    Given this fact, i would like to please know why these players are allowed to win almost every event and also get away with it?
    This is extremely infuriating for the honest players who are trying to win events.
    Eternal gate is a prime example of people using a bot to avoid being hit by npc's which are doing 2-3 mill damage. one hit would mean game over.
    So please explain why these people who have been cheating for years and years are still being allowed to continue cheating and win all the events. Its the same people all the time.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  2. I agree with you 100%. This is why I haven't participated in an event for years.


    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  3. the new pvp server has most of the bots there now if look they bot buil;d acounts in few weeks bot all events bot fight and bot all quests so do ave gone round block again not learnt anythink i agree tis joke yet they cant prove there clearly making money out of em and thats why they still here i think have fun soaps to watch bb.
  4. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    mm, because they make money from them,, with prem, rebate and doubler,,
    they ain't going to ban anyone who is giving them money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. well the top 5 in rank for eternal gate on gb1 server are all bots and everybody knows this.
    Bigpoint is basically going to reward all the botters for doing a great job lol
    What a ridiculous company this game is run by.
  6. i personally think dark orbit bigpiont wat ever they call selves these days should sell a chip for auto locking and a bot to use been that 75 percent players use 1 cut out the middle man and sell it make it legal im fed up with the unblance in game and the pvp server is joke full of cheats worst i eber seen .they should cool it battle of the bots its a complete joke.bots can bot without been shot down if choose they dont lose drones or nout ,i think who ever made this is a bot in game ,like loads of honest players im looking for a game with a customer support line wer they actually listen and ban cheats ,its a grt game and if banned cheats theyde get loads players back yet no make another server so greedy 90 quid dont even get u many upgrades any more let alone make many gates tis right rip off they cost should be dropped to half at least u get no value for money any more im peed off with it all laters
  7. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    There is a thread dedicated to this subject.


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