+++ Exclusive Halloween Calendar and Flower Boxes for Beta Client Users +++

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Oddessey, Oct 15, 2020.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hey SpacePilots,

    Halloween is just around the corner and we are happy to present an exclusive Halloween Calendar for our Client users! Log in every day using the DarkOrbit Downloadable Client from now till Halloween to get Exclusive Halloween Calendar rewards, including Petalled Quartz, Speed Burst tech, and the smoking hot Lava Hecate ship design!

    The Halloween Calendar rewards will be available from 16th October 10 am LST until 31st October 10 am LST.

    Also the DarkOrbit Downloadable Client exclusive Flower Booty Boxes will still be available until 20th November at 10 am LST. The spawn rates of the Flower Booty Boxes have been bumped up, with new assembly blueprints added! Trade-in Petalled Quartz for the brand new Borealis Berserker Pet Design, the Hecate ship, Poison Hecate ship design, techs, hardware, special ammo, and more!

    Tip: During the Halloween event period, the Petalled Quartz can be converted to Halloween Candy Corn in the assembly!

    Here’s an overview of the new event recipes:
    TechBRB-2 (Battle Repair Bot 2)13,950 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechBT-1 (Burning Trail)13,950 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechECB-1 (Explosive Charging Blob)14,650 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechNN-1 (NPC Nuke)13,950 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechBS-2 (Shield Backup 2)13,950 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechEnergy Leech1500 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechPrecision Targeter1200 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechBattle Repair Bot1400 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechBackup Shield1400 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    TechChain Impulse1250 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    ResourceH-HP (Hybrid Processor)12,850 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceH-MT (Micro Transistors)12,850 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceH-NCO (Nano Condenser)12,850 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceH-PS (Prismatic Socket)11,450 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceH-HFC (High Frequency Cable)1350 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceH-NCA (Nano Case)1350 Petalled QuartzOnce
    AmmunitionDCR-25010550 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    AmmunitionEMP-0110550 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    AmmunitionK-300M10250 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    AmmunitionPLD-810100 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    AmmunitionR-IC310300 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    AmmunitionSR-510700 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    ResourceJump Voucher5300 Petalled QuartzMultiple times
    P.E.T. DesignP.E.T. Design Borealis Berserker17,150 Petalled QuartzOnce
    Ship DesignPoison Hecate110,700 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ShipHecate115,000 Petalled QuartzOnce
    ResourceCandy Corn250250 Petalled QuartzMultiple times

    We’re excited to hear your opinion about the new Calendar, the Flower recipes, and your experiences with the DarkOrbit Download Client in general.

    Please leave us your feedback here: https://board-en.darkorbit.com/threads/126566/

    Your Darkorbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.