Extreme lag when changing config - Fix your game

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by DefenderOfMMO, Jun 28, 2023.

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  1. I have a goood amd cpu, a good gpu, enough ram and good internet connection. The performance of this game is really bad, when chaning config, especially while fighting it can stutter for like 6-7 seconds or more. Fix your game. I have cleared cache and all that, the cache is not the problem.
  2. thats because of all the bottin programs running in the background,and DO do sod all, like the transfer of cargo, when you have to do it 2-3 times because of the lag. and all the other bugs,..
  3. But why would that affect me like this? That would be like server lag, not lag on my side.
  4. Still no answer from any mod here. HOW do i play without lag when i have good specs and good internet connection? Why can i run any other cpu and gpu intensive game without framedrops but this unoptimized mess of a code stutters for so many seconds when changing config, lags when changing maps etc.?