Facebook - Adding Facebook to Your Account

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Jun 8, 2015.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Facebook - Adding Facebook to Your Account

    Steps to link a DO account to facebook

    Go to www.Darkorbit.com
    Then Select Facebook login (as shown below)

    DO FB Link1.png

    It will take you to facebook, if you are logged into facebook already you should see

    DO FB Link 2.png

    -Select Play now

    It will take you DarkOrbit's home page with a pop up asking if the user has an existing account or is a new user
    User fills out either side and the account is now synced to facebook.

    DO FB Link 3.png

    Once you have synced your facebook and your Dark Orbit account,
    you can log in from facebook.

    Facebook Removal:

    They can then remove the link to facebook via Facebook's app settings.
    For more information on this please look at the Removing Dark Orbit from Facebook FAQ.

    Thank you to SolidEye for the work on this FAQ
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
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