FAQ - Empyrian March Event January 2025

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Malaikat, Jan 5, 2025.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Every once in a while, a huge star explodes, sending tiny pieces flying all across the cosmos. Along with the massive surge of energy radiating through the cosmos, fragments known as Luminium have now scattered all throughout the galaxy! This sparkling new resource seems to harness great energy and potential especially when used in crafting. During this time, pilots all around the galaxy would head out in a grand scale to scavenge for Luminium, and eventually it was dubbed the Empyrian March.

    Though…it seems like this time, the phenomenon has caught the attention of aliens as well, they’ve hoarded all the Luminium to themselves! Fight aliens and retrieve the fragments of the fallen star!

    Join the march in defeating aliens and retrieve the precious Luminium! Use Luminium to craft a variety of useful resources, with recipes available during the event period, and uncover the Empyrian Solace Plus Ship Design in the Empyrian Booty Box!

    Luminium Event
    Obtain the new Luminium resource from killing NPCs on various maps. You can use the new resource to craft event-limited recipes.

    You may get Luminium out of a Luminium Box that will drop on NPC kill in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma Galaxy Gates (which need to be completed manually, not via Dispatch), on the regular maps (X-2 to X-8), on one of the Battle Maps (4-5) as well as in the X-BL maps. You don’t need a special key to open those boxes and they don’t spawn on the map itself (only on NPC kill). The drop of these boxes is not affected by boosters or double box etc.

    The NPCs will drop Luminium according to their strength level. With this event, we added 2 more tiers of boxes that give even more Luminium if they drop. The higher the NPC „tier“, the more Luminium will drop. Former events had 3 NPC „tiers“, now we have 5 NPC „tiers“.

    NPCs that drop Luminium Boxes Tier 1:
    • Streuner
    • Aider Streuner
    • Recruit Streuner
    • Boss Lordakia
    • Boss Streuner
    • Lordakia
    • Boss Mordon
    • Boss Saimon
    • Devolarium
    • Mordon
    • Saimon
    • Sibelon
    • Boss Sibelonit
    • Lordakium
    • Sibelonit
    • Lordakium Spore
    • Boss Kristallin
    • Plague Kristallin
    • Kristallin
    • Protegit
    • Kristallon
    • Boss StreuneR
    • StreuneR
    • Purpose XXI
    • Boss Devolarium
    • Uber Streuner
    • Uber Lordakia
    • Uber Mordon
    • Uber Saimon
    • Uber Sibelonit
    • Uber StreuneR
    • Uber Interceptor
    • Uber Kristallin

    NPCs that drop Luminium Boxes Tier 2:
    • Boss Sibelon
    • Boss Lordakium
    • Cubikon
    • Boss Kristallon
    • Impulse II
    • Uber Devolarium
    • Uber Sibelon
    • Uber Saboteur
    • Uber Barracuda
    • Deadly Battleray

    NPCs that drop Luminium Boxes Tier 3:
    • Strokelight Barrage
    • Uber Lordakium
    • Uber Kristallon
    • Uber Annihilator
    • Uber Battleray

    NPCs that drop Luminium Boxes Tier 4:
    • Attend IX

    NPCs that drop Luminium Boxes Tier 5:
    • Invoke XVI
    • Mindfire Behemoth

    IMPORTANT: Luminium is NOT obtainable via Dispatch! Any unused Luminium at the end of the event is converted to honor points 48 hours after the event ends. 1 Luminium will be converted to 1 Honor. Maximum honor points obtained through conversion is capped at 10,000.

    Event Ammunition: UCB-100
    During the event, laser ammunition UCB-100 deals extra damage (x7.5 instead of the usual x4) to the following mission NPCs:
    • Boss Sibelion
    • Boss Lordakium
    • Boss Kristallon
    • Uber Devolarium
    • Uber Sibelon
    • Uber Lordakium
    • Uber Kristallon
    • Uber Saboteur
    • Uber Annihilator
    • Uber Battleray
    • Uber Barracuda
    • Cubikon
    • Deadly Battleray

    Event recipes
    There are some event recipes which can be crafted during the event. According to player feedback to the last event, you can now craft a lot of them several times.

    Do note that for recipes that are craftable more than once (but not unlimited times), the crafting cost will increase by 10% per craft.
    e.g. for Seprom
    • Cost of 1st Craft: 200 Luminium
    • Cost of 2nd Craft: 220 Luminium
    • Cost of 3rd Craft: 242 Luminium
    ResourcePolychromium820400 Luminium5
    ResourceExtra Energy15290 Luminium10
    AmmunitionWIZ-X Ammunition250225 Luminium10
    ResourceEmpyrian Fragment12,700 Luminium2
    ResourcePrismatium5300 Luminium10
    ResourceSalvage Core15250 Luminium12
    ExtrasDMG-XT1017,000 LuminiumOnce
    ExtrasSPC-XT1017,000 LuminiumOnce
    ExtrasHP-XT1017,000 Luminium2
    ExtrasSHD-XT1017,000 Luminium2
    ResourcePalladium200300 Luminium8
    ResourceSeprom110200 Luminium15
    ResourceMicrotransistor11,500 Luminium2
    ResourceHybrid Processor11,500 Luminium2
    TechNPC Nuke13,000 LuminiumMultiple times
    AmmunitionHSTRM-0110600 LuminiumMultiple times

    Empyrian Mutation event & New Achievements
    When using WIZ-X rockets, you have a 30% chance to transform the target into the following ships:
    • Empyrian Hecate Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Citadel Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Sentinel Ship Design
    • Empyrian Orcus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Pusat Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Venom Ship Design
    • Empyrian Diminisher Ship Design
    • Empyrian Solaris Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Spearhead Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Tartarus Plus Ship Design
    • Empyrian Solace Plus Ship Design
    There are some new achievements that can be reached:

    Seeker of DawnTransform 200 players into any of the Empyrian Ship Designs using WIZ-X rockets40Seeker of Dawn
    Illuminating VoyagerTransform 500 players into any of the Empyrian Ship Designs using WIZ-X rockets75Illuminating Voyager
    Iridescent StarTransform 1000 players into any of the Empyrian Ship Designs using WIZ-X rockets100Iridescent Star

    New Items
    • Empyrian Solace Plus Ship Design (available via Empyrian Booty Boxes)

    Cerberus Drone Design
    There is no escape for enemies when faced with the Cerberus drone design. Each Cerberus drone design increases damage against NPCs by 1%. If all your drones are equipped with the Cerberus design,you'll receive a 5% bonus for laser cannon efficiency bonus and 10% bonus for evasion.

    Empyrian Booty Boxes
    The new Empyrian Booty Boxes appear on the following maps:
    • X2 – X8
    • Battle Maps
    • Pirate Maps
    You need the new Empyrian Fragments to open the boxes which can be obtained through finishing specific Galaxy Gates, daily missions, event recipe, or just get them via one of the payment packages that will be offered during the event time.

    Main Package

    Additional Content60%

    Epic Package

    ContentDrop Chance
    Argon Diminisher Design
    Argon Diminisher P.E.T. Design
    Argon Diminisher Drone Design
    Argon Enigma Drone Design
    Lava A-Elite Ship Design
    Lava A-Elite P.E.T. Design
    2x Lava A-Elite Drone Design
    Carbonite Cyborg Ship Design
    2x Carbonite Cyborg Drone Design
    Carbonite Cyborg P.E.T. Design
    Sandstorm Tartarus Ship Design
    Sandstorm Mirage P.E.T. Design
    Sandstorm Berserker Drone Design
    Sandstorm Cyborg Drone Design

    Legend Package

    ContentDrop Chance
    Empyrian Solace Plus Ship Design33.33%
    Empyrian Hecate Ship Design33.33%
    Empyrian Diminisher Ship Design33.33%

    Rare Package

    ContentDrop Chance
    Argon Cyborg Ship Design25%
    Lava Sentinel Ship Design25%
    Inferno Orcus Ship Design25%
    Blaze Diminisher Ship Design25%

    Common Package

    ContentDrop Chance
    Borealis Mimesis Ship Design13%
    Sandstorm A-Elite Ship Design13%
    Borealis Mirage P.E.T. Design13%
    Poison Pusat P.E.T. Design13%
    Blaze Enigma Drone Design13%
    Sandstorm Spectrum Drone Design13%
    Poison Phantom Drone Design13%
    Cerberus Drone Design9%

    Additional Content Package

    ContentAmountDrop Chance
    EMP 01208 %
    Extra Energy3010 %
    Hellstorm-12,00015 %
    UBR-1008004.0 %
    ABR202.0 %
    Indoctrine Oil51 %
    Log Files108 %
    WIZ-X70018 %
    Salvage Core105 %
    RSB-758005 %
    Permit Plus12 %
    UCB-1003,00010 %
    Permit15 %

    Important: The rewards aren’t affected by any boosters!

    Empyrian Event Missions
    Daily - Minimum Level 6

    Travel in X-3 (own company) map for 16,000 Astronomical UnitsIAC: 1x
    Salvage Core: 4x
    EXP: 200,000
    Credits: 200,000
    Uridium: 500
    Honor: 80
    Kill: 3 Boss Sibelon or 15 SibelonsIAC: 1x
    Salvage Core: 5x
    EXP: 200,000
    Credits: 200,000
    Uridium: 500
    Honor: 80
    Kill 10 Boss Saimon or 5 Boss SibelonitIAC: 1x
    Salvage Core: 6x
    Honor: 300
    Collect 252 LuminiumIAC: 1x
    Salvage Core: 6x
    Empyrian Fragment: 1
    Honor: 300

    Epic - Minimum Level 12

    Finish Galaxy Gate AlphaABR: 10x
    Indoctrine oil: 3x
    Exp: 500,000
    Credits: 500,000
    Uridium: 10,000
    Honor: 2,000
    Finish Galaxy Gate Delta
    Cause 625,000 damage to Emperor Lordakium
    IAC: 15x
    Salvage Core: 50x
    Exp: 500,000
    Credits: 500,000
    Uridium: 10,000
    Honor: 2,000
    Craft 20 FWX-COM during the Empyrian MarchNew Title: Transcendent Radiance
    Honor: 2,000

    Important: Using Dispatch will NOT clear the quest objectives!

    Temporary title obtainable via Event Mission: Transcendent Radiance.
    • The title will be in the player’s inventory until the next run of this event. Before the next run, it will be removed and you need to complete the mission again in order to regain the title.

    Special Reward Chance
    During the event, there is a chance to win Ship Designs, Luminium and Empyrian Fragments from completing Alpha, Beta and Gamma Galaxy Gates.

    Alpha Gate
    Empyrian Reward Package15%
    Empyrian Fragment (Booty Key)2100%

    Beta Gate
    Empyrian Reward Package15%
    Empyrian Fragment (Booty Key)2100%

    Gamma Gate
    Empyrian Reward Package15%
    Empyrian Fragment (Booty Key)2100%

    This means that there is a 5% chance of obtaining the Empyrian Reward Package, in which you will be able to obtain one of the following ship designs at the stated rates below:
    Emprian Reward Package Possible RewardsAmountChance
    Inferno Berserker Ship Design125%
    Inferno Solace Ship Design125%
    Inferno Sentinel Ship Design130%
    Empyrian Hecate Plus Ship Design115%
    Empyrian Orcus Ship Design15%

    Important: These rewards aren’t available for players who complete these gates via Dispatch! The Galaxy Gate Double Reward Day doesn’t have an effect on the additional ABG rewards!