FAQ – Perseus‘ Grace Event

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Malaikat, Aug 31, 2023.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    General information
    A special Meteor Shower, dubbed Perseus' Grace, is said to be a rare phenomenon that occurs seemingly at random.

    The special space debris from Perseus' Grace are believed to blink through dimensions and some say even time itself.

    Due to their fleeting nature and peculiar shapes, pilots all across the galaxy scramble to snap up their bounty before they blink out of existence again.

    Collect Cosmic Caches that are scattered around normal maps to get some nice rewards. On top of that, complete Kappa, Zeta, Epsilon and Delta Gates for a chance to get Perseus‘ Booty Keys. You can use these Perseus‘ Booty Keys to open Perseus‘ Blessings (even better boxes) for higher value rewards.

    Cosmic Caches
    Cosmic Caches will spawn on maps X1 - X8 (4-X and 5-X should not spawn these boxes) which contain some nice content – active from 1st September (10:00 am LST) until 7th September (23:59 pm LST).

    They contain a lot of nice rewards such as Uridium, Rocket and Laser ammunition, Extra Energy, Special ammunition, Mines, Repair Vouchers, Ores and a lot more.

    Perseus‘ Blessings
    The brand-new Perseus‘ Blessings will spawn on maps X1 - X8 (4-X and 5-X should not spawn these boxes) and they contain even better rewards! They can only be opened with Perseus‘s Booty Keys.

    You can get the new Perseus‘ Booty Keys via Galaxy Gate completion: Completing Kappa, Zeta, Epsilon, Delta gates during the event period will give you 2 Perseus‘ Booty Keys per completion.

    Perseus‘ Booty Keys are also available in our payment section during the event period.

    The Perseus‘ Blessings are giving out rewards with certain chances. You can get with a certain chance:
    • Unstable modules (DMG-XHD01, SHD-XHD01, SPC-XHD01, HP-XHD01, DMG-XV02, SHD-XV02, SPC-XV02, HP-XV02, DMG-ZPVE, SHD-ZPVE, SPC-ZPVE, HP-ZPVE)
    • Carbonite Enigma Drone Design, Carbonite Hammerclaw Drone Design, Carbonite Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    • Resources (Seprom, Polychromium, Unstable Shard, Salvage Core, Permit, ABR, Indoctrine Oil)
    • Equipment (Hyperplasmoid LF-4, Magmadrill LF-4, Paritydrill LF-4, LF-P01, LF-PX01, SG3N-P01, SG3N-PX01)
    • Other items like Laser or Rocket ammunition, special ammunition, mines, Extra Energy, Pet Fuel, Repair vouchers, Uridium or Credits

    VIP Merchant Exchange
    The VIP Merchant Exchange held on a travelling spacecraft is currently open for trades, for a limited time only! Merchants from all around the Galaxy are offering valuable items in return for various resources. Become a VIP today by purchasing any one of the following packs linked below.

    From 1st September until 7th September, there will be some special payment packages available in our Payment section.

    With buying one of these packages, you’ll become a VIP with access to a special „VIP Merchant Exchange“ window where you can exchange resources into valuable items.

    Important: This VIP status will only last for the time of the sale!

    VIP sales packages
    The payment packages that makes the „VIP Merchant Exchange“ visible in your account are the following:
    • Dusklight Perseus Bundle
    • Mighty Perseus Booty Key Pack
    • Massive Perseus Booty Key Pack
    • Asmodeus Artificer Pack M
    • Asmodeus Artificer Pack L
    Merchant Exchange
    If you gain the VIP status, you will be able to exchange resources into valuable items. During the sales period, you will see a little VIP icon in the game client if you unlocked the VIP status with buying one of the above mentioned packages.

    Click on it and you see a VIP Merchant exchange window with the items you can exchange and the costs for it.

    For players who don’t have the VIP status, they can see a preview of the exchange item but not interact with the exchange window until it’s unlocked.

    Before exchanging your resources, please make sure that you have enough of the respective resources. If you already exchanged e.g. Uridium and you leave the interface without clicking the „Exchange“ button because you don’t have enough of other resources, it may happen that your Uridium costs might be displayed as „deducted“. They only reappear if you leave the game and relog to it. This is only a display error and you will see it again after relogging to the game.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024