
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dlm40, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. dlm40

    dlm40 User

    i cant find a post on what you need for fats help pls ty
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    3/3 on Bounty Hunter II in the pilot bio.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  3. dlm40

    dlm40 User

    ok i konw you need 21 P.P for fats.WHAT do i put the P.P in for fats ?can someone tell me pls
  4. You were just told. Stop posting like a maniac and read the damn posts. OwningPeeps already told you 3/3 on bounty hunter 2
  5. dlm40

    dlm40 User

    man take a chill pill im sry and i dont care do you run B.P-D.O im a prem player and if i want to post i will unless told not to you can close ty
  6. I don't care, and nor do the mods care, if you are a premium player. everyone is treated equal. You had received a response giving you an answer 23 minutes before your second post demanding help.
    msallak1-Libya likes this.
  7. u can have fats with full b bounty hunter if you take bubble u will use 24pp and without bubble 21pp
  8. Hello dlm40

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Bounty hunter with 21pp

    Ship Hull I2
    Shield Engineering 2
    Bounty Hunter I2
    Ship Hull II3
    Shield Mechanics5
    Bounty Hunter II3

    Bounty hunter with 24pp

    Ship Hull I2
    Shield Engineering 5
    Bounty Hunter I2
    Ship Hull II3
    Shield Mechanics5
    Bounty Hunter II3

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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